Artículos Estudios Económicos y Financieros 161

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 161
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)Acceso
Efectos en el IRPF de los swaps o permutas financieras de tipos de interés (1) (1).pdf.jpg2024Efectos en el IRPF de los "swaps" o permutas financieras de tipos de interésGallego López, Juan Benito
JEG.pdf.jpg2024Inter-organizational governance and innovation under different local institutional contextsBelso-Martinez, José A.; Diez Vial, Isabel; Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés
s11628-020-00421-w.pdf.jpg2020The COVID‑19 response system and collective social service provision. Strategic network dimensions and proximity considerations
Belso-Martinez, José A.; Mas-Tur, Alicia; Sánchez Romero, Mariola; López-Sánchez, María José
HowdointerorganizationalnetworksandfirmgroupstructuresmatterforinnovationinclustersDifferentnetworksdifferentresults.pdf.jpg2020How do interorganizational networks and firm group structures matter for innovation in clusters: Different networks, different resultsBelso-Martinez, José A.; Mas-Verdú, Francisco; Chinchilla-Mira, Lorenzo
GAB.pdf.jpg2020Supporting organizations and leading firms: a transition towards social and environmental practices inside clustersBelso-Martinez, José A.; López-Sánchez, María José; Diez Vial, Isabel
Cities.pdf.jpg2021Playing the innovation subsidy game: Experience, clusters, consultancy, and networking in regional innovation supportBelso-Martinez, José A.; Rodríguez-Pose, Andrés; Diez Vial, Isabel
articulo_publicadogika.pdf.jpg2018Big Data techniques to measure credit banking risk in home equity loansVACA LAMATA, MARTA; Perez Martin, Agustin; Pérez-Torregrosa, Agustín
mathematics-08-01971 (3).pdf.jpg2020Feature Selection to Optimize Credit Banking Risk Evaluation Decisions for the Example of Home Equity Loans
VACA LAMATA, MARTA; Perez Martin, Agustin; Pérez-Torregrosa, Agustín; Rabasa, Alejandro
Artículo Revista LATAM.pdf.jpg2024Nuevos retos de los Bancos Centrales: el caso del Banco Central Europeo ante los ODSEscolano-Asensi, Carmen Victoria; Brotons Muró, Luis Francisco; Ruiz, Gumersindo
Artículo Revista Estudios de Economía Aplicada.pdf.jpg2024Women Led Companies in Cooperation For InternationalizationEscolano-Asensi, Carmen Victoria; Barcenilla Sanz, Miguel; Sainz-Pardo Auñon, José Luis
Gutiérrez-Hita_delaCruz_Ramos_TBR_2022 (1).pdf.jpgago-2022Infrastructure access charges, service differentiation, and strategic competition in the EU railway passenger market.Gutiérrez-Hita, Carlos; De la Cruz Carrillo, Omar; RAMOS MELERO, RODOLFO
How much do cluster institutions drive a firm s green innovation  A multi-level analysis.pdf.jpg2024How much do cluster institutions drive a firm’s green innovation? A multi-level analysis
Belso-Martinez, José A.; Diez Vial, Isabel; Martín-de Castro, Gregorio; HERVAS-OLIVER, JOSE LUIS
Amassaghrou_et_al_TP_2022 (1).pdf.jpgnov-2021An assessment of the liberalization and the evolution of competition in the Moroccan mobile marketGutiérrez-Hita, Carlos; AMASSAGHROU, SOUMAYA; Zhukova, Vita
fenrg-12-1367587 (1).pdf.jpgene-2024Editorial: Distributed solar PV applications
Nasirov, Shahriyar; Ciarreta, Aitor; Agostini, Claudio A.; Gutiérrez-Hita, Carlos
Energy_2024 (1).pdf.jpgnov-2024May a greener technology mix mitigate market power? Mixed vs private competition in the EU electric power marketEscrihuela-Villar, Marc; Gutiérrez-Hita, Carlos; Vicente Pérez, José
Georgantzis_Gutiérrez-Hita_Sánchez-Soriano (1).pdf.jpgago-2022Learning and Applying Cooperative Solutions: A Classroom Experiment on Transportation GamesGeorgantzis, Nikolaos; Gutiérrez-Hita, Carlos; Sánchez Soriano, Joaquín
s00712-018-0616-2 (1).pdf.jpgmay-2018On competition and welfare enhancing policies in a mixed oligopolyEscrihuela-Villar, Marc; Gutiérrez-Hita, Carlos
CRNI_PUBLISHED_VERSION (1).pdf.jpgjul-2019Competition in the railway passenger market: The challenge of liberalizationGutiérrez-Hita, Carlos; RUIZ-RUA, AURORA
Published_version_Vol_30_issue_1_2019 (1).pdf.jpgsep-2018Microeconomic education, strategic incentives, and gender: An oligopoly classroom experiment with social interactionGarcía Martínez, José Antonio; Gutiérrez-Hita, Carlos; Sánchez Soriano, Joaquín
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 21 a 40 de 161