Resumen :
En el presente artículo, se pretende analizar las implicaciones del teletrabajo ( forma flexible
de organización del trabajo sin la presencia física del trabajador en la empresa y que implica
el uso de tecnologías de la información) para la selección y la formación de los recursos
humanos en la emp... Ver más
This paper examines the implications of tele-work (a flexible way to organize work without
actually attending to the workplace, involving the use of information technologies) for the
selection and training in companies.
Concerning selection, a tele-worker profile is to be done outlining specific features, different from those of traditional workers, that will enable him/her to become successful. This profile
will include the following features: responsibility and maturity, organizing ability, initiative,
knowledge, competence, flexibility, and other personality characteristics. A set of assessment
techniques has to be recommended to assess these traits.
As for training, there is a need for a plan addressed to all people concerned: employers,
incumbents, family. This plan will include the learning of computer knowledge, communication techniques, self-motivation, project development, organizational techniques, quality at
work, decision making, and problem solving. The employer will be taught management by
objectives and methods of personnel assessment and career development.