Artículos Economía Agroalimentaria 11

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 11 de 11
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REVESCO Economias alternativas.pdf.jpgoct-2024Economías alternativas: Un análisis bibliométrico de nuevos horizontes para repensar el futuro
Melian Navarro, Amparo; FLOREZ ZABALA, MARIA FERNANDA; Gaviria-Marin, Magaly; Ortiz-Pérez, Samuel
Floating Debris in the Low Segura River Basin.pdf.jpg10-abr-2021Floating Debris in the Low Segura River Basin (Spain): Avoiding Litter through the Irrigation Network
Rocamora, Carmen; Puerto Molina, Herminia; Abadia, Ricardo; Brugarolas, Margarita; Martínez-Carrasco, Laura; cordero gracia, jose
In search of a sustainable alternative for meat production.pdf.jpg4-abr-2023In search of a sustainable alternative for meat production: understanding the purchase intention of meat from transhumance originMartínez-Carrasco, Laura; Brugarolas, Margarita; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio
Traditional Varieties for Local Markets.pdf.jpg2-jun-2020Traditional Varieties for Local Markets: A Sustainable Proposal for Agricultural SMEsPérez-Caselles, Cristian; Brugarolas, Margarita; Martínez-Carrasco, Laura
A consumer behaviour approach to analyse the sustainability of food purchasing.pdf.jpg22-dic-2020A consumer behaviour approach to analyse the sustainability of food purchasingMartínez-Carrasco, Laura; Brugarolas, Margarita; Gascón Mora, Andrea
Rabadán_ et al._2021_Renewable.pdf.jpgabr-2021Perceptions of geographical indication labels as quality indicators inside and outside the labels’ area of influence: the case of spring fruits
Martínez-Carrasco, Laura; Rabadán, Adrián; Brugarolas, Margarita; Berbabéu, Rodolfo
foods-09-00696-v2.pdf.jpgmay-2020Differences in Consumer Preferences for Lamb Meat before and during the Economic Crisis in Spain. Analysis and Perspectives
Martínez-Carrasco, Laura; Rabadán, Adrián; Brugarolas, Margarita; NAVARRO RODRIGUEZ DE VERA, CASILDA; Sayas-Barberá, Estrella; Bernabéu, Rodolfo
water-12-03536.pdf.jpg16-dic-2020Evaluation in Carbon Dioxide Equivalent and CHG Emissions for Water and Energy Management in Water Users Associations. A Case Study in the Southeast of SpainMelian Navarro, Amparo; RUIZ CANALES, ANTONIO
agriengineering-05-00080.pdf.jpg14-jul-2023Comparative Analysis of Primary and Secondary Metabolites in the Peel of Eight Blood Orange Varieties
Melgarejo Moreno, Pablo; BALLESTA DE LOS SANTOS, MANUEL; Martinez Nicolas, Juan Jose; Melian Navarro, Amparo; RUIZ CANALES, ANTONIO; Forner-Giner, M. Angeles; Legua, Pilar
agronomy-13-01037.pdf.jpgmar-2023Fruit Quality and Primary and Secondary Metabolites Content in Eight Varieties of Blood Oranges
Forner-Giner, M. Angeles; BALLESTA DE LOS SANTOS, MANUEL; Melgarejo Moreno, Pablo; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Melian Navarro, Amparo; Ruíz Canales, Antonio; Continella, Alberto; Legua, Pilar
05_Derdour_p01.pdf.jpgene-2023Assessment of land degradation and droughts in an arid area using drought indices, modified soil-adjusted vegetation index, and landsat remote sensing data
DERDOUR, Abdessamed; Jordan Abellán, Antonio; Melian Navarro, Amparo; Bailey, Ryan
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