Artículos Ingeniería Comunicaciones 145

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 145
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engproc-21-00041-2.pdf.jpg2022Time Degradation Analysis of Organic Solar Cells Based on ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Al Structure
Corral González, Pablo; Valiente, David; Rodríguez-Mas, Fernando; González, Juan Jose; Tro, Raquel; Alonso, Jose Luis; Ferrer, Juan Carlos; Fernandez de Avila, Susana
engproc-06-00085-v2.pdf.jpg2021A Low-Cost Visible Light Communications System Based on Organic Photodetection for Transmitting Images
Corral González, Pablo; Rodríguez-Mas, Fernando; Alonso, José Luis; Ferrer, Juan Carlos; Fernandez de Avila, Susana
31292-Article Text-113127-1-10-20220824.pdf.jpg2022Improvements of Organic Photodetectors for VLC Using a New Active Layer, Focal Lens, and a Transimpedance Amplifier
Corral González, Pablo; Rodríguez-Mas, Fernando; De Scals Martin, GUILLERMO; Valiente, David; Ferrer, Juan Carlos; Fernandez de Avila, Susana
sensors-20-00714-v3.pdf.jpg2020A Low-Cost IEEE 802.15.7 Communication System Based on Organic Photodetection for Device-to-Device Connections
Corral González, Pablo; Rodríguez Mas, Fernando; Alonso, José Luis; Ferrer, Juan Carlos; Fernández de Ávila, Susana
Antenna_Radiation_Pattern_Measurement_in_a_Nonanechoic_Chamber.pdf.jpg2019Antenna Radiation Pattern Measurement in a Nonanechoic Chamber
Corral González, Pablo; FROES, SAULO; Novo, Marcela; Aljaro Palacios, Miguel; Mori Ramírez, Manuel Antonio
Adv Energy and Sustain Res - 2024 - Rodríguez‐Mas - Impact of Dimethylformamide  Tetrahydrofuran  and Dimethyl Sulfoxide on.pdf.jpg2024Impact of Dimethylformamide, Tetrahydrofuran, and Dimethyl Sulfoxide on Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells’ Efficiency and Environmental Footprint
Corral González, Pablo; Rodríguez-Mas, Fernando; Valiente, David; Alonso, José Luis; Fernandez de Avila, Susana
26008-Article Text-91892-1-10-20201022.pdf.jpg2020Implementation of an AFDX Interface with Zynq SoC Board in FPGA
Corral González, Pablo; Molina, Fernando; De Scals Martin, GUILLERMO; Rodriguez, Alberto
2 - sensors-20-03610-v2.pdf.jpg2020Up-Conversion Sensing of 2D Spatially-Modulated Infrared Information-Carrying Beams with Si-Based Cameras
Maestre, Haroldo; Torregrosa, Adrian J.; Karamehmedovic, Emir; Rico Soliveres, María Luisa; Campany, Juan
1 - S0030399222001906-main.pdf.jpg2022Emission wavelength selection and tuning in the 4F3/2-4I11/2 manifolds of a Nd:KGd(WO4)2 solid-state laser
Maestre, Haroldo; Cuenca, Miguel; Torregrosa, Adrian J.; Capmany, Juan
3 - oe-28-2-1936.pdf.jpg2020Intracavity image upconversion system with fast and flexible electro-optic image gating based on polarization-frustrated phase-matching for range-gated applicationsMaestre, Haroldo; Torregrosa, Adrian J.; Campany, Juan
4 - sensors-19-02075-1.pdf.jpg2019Incoherent Optical Frequency-Domain Reflectometry Based on Homodyne Electro-Optic Downconversion for Fiber-Optic Sensor Interrogation
Maestre, Haroldo; Clement Bellido, Juan; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; Fernandez-Pousa, Carlos
EuMC2024_San_Blas (1).pdf.jpg2024Design Procedure for Waveguide Combline Filters Based on Flat Metallic Strips
San-Blas, Angel-Antonio; García Jiménez, Raúl; Coves, Angela; Guglielmi, Marco; Boria, Vicente; Sanchez-Soriano, Miguel Angel
1-s2.0-S0165168418303347-main.pdf.jpg5-oct-2018Nonlinear estimators from ICA mixture models
Safont, Gonzalo; Salazar, Addisson; Vergara, Luis; Rodríguez, Alberto
applsci-09-00465.pdf.jpg30-ene-2019Ultrasonic Parametrization of Arterial Wall Movements in Low- and High-Risk CVD Subjects
Makunaité, Monika; Jurkonis, Rytis; Rodríguez-Martínez, Alberto; Jurgaitiené, Ruta; Semaška, Vytenis; Melinyté, Karolina; Kubilius, Raimondas
applsci-12-03423.pdf.jpg28-mar-2022On Training Road Surface Classifiers by Data Augmentation
Salazar, Addisson; Rodríguez, Alberto; Vargas, Nancy; Vergara, Luis
116644482.pdf.jpg30-dic-2021On the Optimization of Spread Spectrum Chirps Into Arbitrary Position and Width Pulse Signals. Application to Ultrasonic Sensors and Systems
Rodríguez, Alberto; Svilainis, Linas; Casa-Lillo, Miguel A.; Gómez Álvarez-Arenas, Tomás E.; Aleksandrovas, Arturas; Chaziachmetovas, Andrius
Low-Cost_Direct-Writing_of_Silver-Based_Ink_for_Planar_Microwave_Circuits_up_to_10_GHz.pdf.jpg6-ene-2023Low-Cost Direct-Writing of Silver-Based Ink for Planar Microwave Circuits up to 10 GHz
Blanco Angulo, Carolina; Martínez Lozano, Andrea; Arias, Julia; Rodríguez-Martínez, Alberto; Vicente Samper, Jose Maria; Sabater-Navarro, Jose Maria
Toward_Intraoperative_Brain-Shift_Detection_Through_Microwave_Imaging_System.pdf.jpg14-sep-2023Toward Intraoperative Brain-Shift Detection Through Microwave Imaging System
Martínez Lozano, Andrea; Blanco Angulo, Carolina; Rodríguez-Martínez, Alberto; Juan, Carlos G.; García Martínez, Héctor; Sabater-Navarro, Jose Maria; Ávila Navarro, Ernesto
192889328.pdf.jpgmay-2024CloudEdgeAssetOptimizer: Tool to optimize the Cloud-Edge computing network resources at given requirements of processing delay, battery capacity and cost
Tervydis, Paulius; Svilainis, Linas; Nakutis, Žilvinas; Rodríguez-Martínez, Alberto
214232980.pdf.jpg2-dic-2024Battery Powered Edge Computing Acceleration for Smart Agriculture Applications: A Use Case for Resonant Ultrasound Spectroscopy
Nakutis, Žilvinas; Tervydis, Paulius; Svilainis, Linas; Rodríguez Martínez, Alberto
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 145