Artículos Biología Aplicada 172

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 172
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)Access
Organic acids, sugars, antioxidant activity, sensorial and other fruit.pdf.jpgMar-2018Organic acids, sugars, antioxidant activity, sensorial and other fruit characteristics of nine traditional Spanish Citrus fruits
Asencio, Antonia Dolores; Serrano, María; García Martínez, Santiago; Pretel, María T.
Importancia de las cianobacterias conocidas como algas verde-azuladas (1).pdf.jpgMay-2021Importancia de las cianobacterias conocidas como “algas verde-azuladas”García Abad, Laura; Berrendero Gómez, Esther; Asencio, Antonia Dolores
Extremophilic cyanobacteria from thermo-mineral (2).pdf.jpgApr-2022Extremophilic cyanobacteria from thermo-mineral springs of spas in Atlantic environments
López-Rodríguez, M. Carmen; Asencio, Antonia Dolores; Meijide-Failde, Rosa; Torres, Enrique
Effects of drought and water pulses (1).pdf.jpgJul-2019Effects of drought and water pulses on microbial functionality and the role of Cyanoprokaryota in the rhizospheres of gypsophytesDIAZ PEREIRA, ELVIRA; Marín Sanleandro, Pura; Asencio, Antonia Dolores
Effects of Climate Change on the Production of Polysaccharides and Phycobiliproteins by N.pdf.jpgMar-2022Effects of Climate Change on the Production of Polysaccharides and Phycobiliproteins by Nostoc commune Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault
Llopis, Paula; García‑Abad, Laura; Pretel Pretel, María Teresa; Montero, María Adriana; MANUEL, JORDAN; Asencio, Antonia Dolores
Lison et al 2022 JNC_accepted (1).pdf.jpgJun-2022Effect of forest landscapes composition and configuration on bird community and its functional traits in a hotspot of biodiversity of Chile
Lisón Gil, Fulgencio; Matus Olivares, Camilo Salvador; Troncoso Villegas, Ernesto Nicolás; Catalán, German; Jiménez Franco, María Victoria
14-van Overveld et al. 2020 Behavioral Ecology Sociobiology.pdf.jpg27-Jan-2020Seasonal grouping dynamics in a territorial vulture: ecological drivers and social consequences
Overveld, Thijs van; Gangoso, Laura; García Alfonso, Marina; Bouten, Willem; de la Riva, Manuel; Donázar, José Antonio
12-van Overvel et al 2017 Ecology.pdf.jpg8-May-2017Cosmetic coloration in Egyptian vultures: Mud bathing as a tool for social communication?Overveld, Thijs van; de la Riva, Manuel; Donázar, José Antonio
10-Morales-Reyes_et_al-2017-Conservation_Letters.pdf.jpg13-Jul-2017Farmer Perceptions of the Ecosystem Services Provided by Scavengers: What, Who, and to Whom
Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; Martín López, Berta; Moleón, Marcos; Mateo Tomás, Patricia; Botella Robles, Francisco; Margalida, Antoni; Donázar, José Antonio; Blanco, Guillermo; Pérez, Irene; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio
9-Morales-Reyes et al. 2018. Ambio.pdf.jpg4-Apr-2018Shepherds’ local knowledge and scientific data on the scavenging ecosystem service: Insights for conservation
Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; Martín López, Berta; Moleón, Marcos; Mateo Tomás, Patricia; Olea, Pedro P.; Arrondo, Eneko; Donázar, José Antonio; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio
8-Martin-Diaz et al. 2020 Scientific Reports.pdf.jpg18-Feb-2020Rewilding processes shape the use of Mediterranean landscapes by an avian top scavenger
Martin Díaz, P.; Cortés Avizanda, Ainara; Serrano, David; Arrondo, Eneko; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio; Donázar, José Antonio
7-Green et al 2017 Journal of Applied Ecology.pdf.jpg25-Apr-2016Potential threat to Eurasian griffon vultures in Spain from veterinary use of the drug diclofenac
Green, Rhys E.; Donázar, José Antonio; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio; Margalida, Antoni
6-García-Barón et al 2018 Diversity and Distributions.pdf.jpg16-Jun-2018How to fit the distribution of apex scavengers into land-abandonment scenarios? The Cinereous vulture in the Mediterranean biome
García Barón, Isabel; Cortés Avizanda, Ainara; Verburg, Peter H.; Marques, Tiago A.; Moreno Opo, Rubén; Pereira, Henrique M.; Donázar, José Antonio
5-García-Alfonso et al. 2019 Ambio.pdf.jpg22-Sep-2018Probing into farmers’ perceptions of a globally endangered ecosystem service provider
García Alfonso, Marina; Morales-Reyes, Zebensui; Gangoso, Laura; Bouten, Willem; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio; Serrano, David; Donázar, José Antonio
4-Blanco et al. 2019 Global Ecology Conservation.pdf.jpg31-Dec-2018Livestock farming practices modulate vulture diet-disease interactions
Blanco, Guillermo; Cortés Avizanda, Ainara; Frías, Óscar; Arrondo, Eneko; Donázar, José Antonio
3-Badia-Boher et al. 2019 Journal of Appiled Ecology.pdf.jpg19-Feb-2019Evaluating European LIFE conservation projects: Improvements in survival of an endangered vulture
Badia Boher, Jaume Adrià; Sanz Aguilar, Ana; de la Riva, Manuel; Gangoso, Laura; Overveld, Thijs van; García Alfonso, Marina; Luzardo, Octavio P.; Suarez‐Pérez, Alejandro; Donázar, José Antonio
1-Arrondo et al. 2018 Biological Conservation.pdf.jpg10-Jan-2018Invisible barriers: Differential sanitary regulations constrain vulture movements across country borders
Arrondo, Eneko; Moleón, Marcos; Cortés Avizanda, Ainara; Jiménez, José; Beja, Pedro; Sánchez Zapata, José Antonio; Donázar, José Antonio
2-Phoenix seneg TYP TAXON 16439966.pdf.jpg3-Jul-2019Nomenclature and typification of Phoenix senegalensis (Arecaceae)
Rivera Núñez, Diego; Obon, Concepcion; Alcaraz, Francisco; Egea, Teresa; Martínez Rico, Manuel; Carreño Sánchez, Encarnación; Emilio Laguna, Emilio; Johnson, Dennis; Saro, Isabel; Sosa, Pedro; Naranjo, Agustín; Salomone, Francesco; Pérez de Paz, Pedro Luis
1-Conservation Phoenix.pdf.jpg16-Feb-2018What are palm groves of Phoenix? Conservation of Phoenix palm groves in the European Union
Obon, Concepcion; Rivera Núñez, Diego; Alcaraz, Francisco; Carreño Sánchez, Encarnación; Ríos, S.; Laguna, E.; Sanchez‑Balibrea, J.; del Arco, M.; Bergmeier, E.; Johnson, Dennis
4-articulo Levante Agricola 2001.pdf.jpg2001Nuevos usos comerciales para variedades tradicionales de cítricos del sureste español
Pretel Pretel, María Teresa; Romojaro, Félix; Serrano, María; Amorós Marco, María Asunción; Botella Marrero, María Ángeles; Obon, Concepcion
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 141 to 160 of 172