Título : Cost-effectiveness of different strategies for screening and treatment of Strongyloides stercoralis in migrants
from endemic countries to the European Union |
Autor : Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick  Llenas-García, Jara  shedrawy, jad  Gascon, Joaquim Muñoz, José Bisoffi, Zeno Requena-Mendez, Ana |
Editor : Board |
Departamento: Departamentos de la UMH::Medicina Clínica |
Fecha de publicación: 2020-04-08 |
URI : https://hdl.handle.net/11000/35256 |
Resumen :
Background: The best strategy for controlling morbidity due to imported strongyloidiasis in migrants is unclear. We evaluate the cost-effectiveness of six possible interventions.Methods: We developed a stochastic Markov chain model. The target population was adult migrants from endemic countries to the European Union; the time horizon, a lifetime and the perspective, that of the health system. Average and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ACER and ICER) were calculated as 2016 EUR/life-year gained (LYG). Health interventions compared were: base case (no programme), primary care-based presumptive treatment (PCPresTr), primary care-based serological screening and treatment (PCSerTr), hospital-based presumptive treatment (HospPresTr), hospital-based serological screening and treatment (HospSerTr), hospital-based presumptive treatment of immunosuppressed (HospPresTrim) and hospital-based serological screening and treatment of the immunosuppressed (HospSerTrim). The willingness to pay threshold (WTP) was €32 126.95/LYG.Results: The base case model yielded a loss of 2 486 708.24 life-years and cost EUR 3 238 393. Other interventions showed the following: PCPresTr: 2 488 095.47 life-years (Δ1 387.23LYG), cost: EUR 8 194 563; ACER: EUR 3573/LYG; PCSerTr: 2 488 085.8 life-years (Δ1377.57LYG), cost: EUR 207 679 077, ACER: EUR 148 407/LYG; HospPresTr: 2 488 046.17 life-years (Δ1337.92LYG), cost: EUR 14 559 575; ACER: EUR 8462/LYG; HospSerTr: 2 488 024.33 life-years (Δ1316.08LYG); cost: EUR 207 734 073; ACER: EUR 155 382/LYG; HospPresTrim: 2 488 093.93 life-years, cost: EUR 1 105 483; ACER: EUR -1539/LYG (cost savings); HospSerTrim: 2 488 073.8 life-years (Δ1365.55LYG), cost: EUR 4 274 239; ACER: EUR 759/LYG. One-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were undertaken; HospPresTrim remained below WTP for all parameters' ranges and iterations.Conclusion: Presumptively treating all immunosuppressed migrants from areas with endemic Strongyloides would generate cost savings to the health system.
Palabras clave/Materias: strongyloides stercoralis infection health economics infections diseases, disorders injuries public health screening |
Tipo de documento : info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Derechos de acceso: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional |
DOI : 10.1136/bmjgh-2020-002321 |
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos Medicina Clínica