Artículos Medicina Clínica 214

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 214
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377_1-4_Comunicando+la+calidad+del+agua+de+consumo+humano+y+de+aguas+regeneradas+en+el+marco+del+Sistema+Nacional+de+Salud+español.ES.pdf.jpg2025Comunicando la calidad del agua de consumo humano y de aguas regeneradas en el marco del Sistema Nacional de Salud español: prevención sanitaria en el origen gracias a los nuevos cambios legislativosGarrido Arias, Borja
Evolution of the Use of Corticosteroids for the Treatment of.pdf.jpg8-oct-2021Evolution of the Use of Corticosteroids for the Treatment of Hospitalised COVID-19 Patients in Spain between March and November 2020: SEMI-COVID National Registry
Balaz, David; Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Giner Galvañ, Vicente; Rubio-Rivas, Manuel; de Miguel-Campo, Borja; Noureddine López, Mariam; López Caleya, Juan Francisco; Gómez Huelgas, Ricardo; Pesqueira Fontán, Paula María; Méndez Bailón, Manuel; Fernández-Garcés, Mar; Fernádez-Cruz, Ana; García García, Gema María; Rhyman, Nicolás; Corral-Gudino, Luis
Real-Life Impact of Glucocorticoid Treatment in COVID-19.pdf.jpg13-oct-2021Real-Life Impact of Glucocorticoid Treatment in COVID-19 Mortality: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Gómez Muñoz, Ana María; Fernández-Cruz, Ana; Lavilla Olleros, Cristina; Giner-Galvañ, Vicente; Ausín-García, Cristina; Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Vargas, Juan A.; Rubio-Rivas, Manuel; Laureiro, Jaime; Fernández-Bermúdez, Daniel; Buonaiuto, Verónica A.; Arenas de Larriva, Antonio P.; Pascual-Pérez, María de los Reyes; Alcalá-Pedrajas, José N.; Labirua-Iturburu Ruiz, Ane
Cost-effectiveness of different strategies.pdf.jpg8-abr-2020Cost-effectiveness of different strategies for screening and treatment of Strongyloides stercoralis in migrants from endemic countries to the European Union
Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Llenas-García, Jara; shedrawy, jad; Gascon, Joaquim; Muñoz, José; Bisoffi, Zeno; Requena-Mendez, Ana
Latent and active tuberculosis infections in migrants and travellers A.pdf.jpg29-jul-2019Latent and active tuberculosis infections in migrants and travellers: A retrospective analysis from the Spanish +REDIVI collaborative network
Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Lopez-Velez, Rogelio; Llenas-García, Jara; Treviño Maruri, Begoña; Pascual, Reyes; Molina, Israel; Domínguez, Ángel; Torrús, Diego; Ruiz Giardín, José Manuel; Monge-Maillo, Begoña; Norman, Francesca F.; Romero, Mónica; Perez-Molina, José A.; García Rodriguez, Magdalena; Díaz Menendez, Marta
Microscopic observation drug-susceptibility assay vs Xpert® MTBRIF for the diagnosis of tubercu-losis in a rural African setting a cost-utility analysis.pdf.jpg22-jun-2017Microscopic observation drug-susceptibility assay vs Xpert® MTB/RIF for the diagnosis of tubercu-losis in a rural African setting: a cost-utility analysis
Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Llenas-García, Jara; Pérez Carbonell, Tomàs; Hobbins, Michael; Ehmer, Jochen; Aly Mussa, Manuel; Ascaso, Carlos
Retention in care of HIV-infected pregnant and lactating.pdf.jpgago-2016Retention in care of HIV-infected pregnant and lactating women starting ART under Option B+ in rural Mozambique
Llenas-García, Jara; Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Hobbins, Michael; Aly Mussa, Manuel; Ehmer, Jochen; Keiser, Olivia; Mbofana, Francisco; Wandeler, Gilles
Implementation challenges of a TB.pdf.jpgjul-2015Implementation challenges of a TB programme in rural northern mozambique: evaluation of 2012–2013 outcomes
Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Morales-Cartagena, Alejandra; Llenas-García, Jara; Perez-Porcuna, Tomas Maria; Hobbins, Michael; Ehmer, Jochen; Aly Mussa, Manuel; Abellana, Rosa; Ascaso, Carlos
Microscopic observation drug.pdf.jpg3-sep-2014Microscopic observation drug susceptibility assay for the diagnosis of TB and MDR-TB in HIV-infected patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Wikman-Jorgensen, Philip Erick; Llenas-García, Jara; Hobbins, Jochen Ehmer; Abellana, Rosa; Queiroga Gonçalves, Alessandra; Perez-Porcuna, Tomas Maria; Ascaso, Carlos
Predictive power of the grace score in population with diabetes.pdf.jpg21-jun-2017Predictive power of the grace score in population with diabetes
Baeza Roman, Anna; de Miguel Balsa, Eva; Latour-Perez, Jaime; Carrillo-López, Andrés
Body mass index in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis in Spain and its impact as an independent risk factor for therapy withdrawal results of the Biobadaderm Regis.PDF.jpg2014Body mass index in patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis in Spain and its impact as an independent risk factor for therapy withdrawal: results of the Biobadaderm Registry
Carrascosa, J. M.; Vilavella, M.; Garcia-Doval, Ignacio; Carretero, Gregorio; Vanaclocha, F.; Dauden, E.; Gómez García, Francisco José; Herrera-Ceballos, E.; De la Cueva-Dobao, P.; Belinchón, Isabel; Sánchez-Carazo, J. L.; Alsina, M.; López Estebaranz, José Luis; Ferrán, M.; Peral, F.
Directrices españolas basadas en la evidencia para el tratamiento de la psoriasis con agentes biológicos, 2013. I. Consideraciones de eficacia y selección del tratamiento.PDF.jpgoct-2013Directrices españolas basadas en la evidencia para el tratamiento de la psoriasis con agentes biológicos, 2013. I. Consideraciones de eficacia y selección del tratamiento
Puig, L.; Carrascosa, J. M.; Carretero, G.; De la Cueva-Dobao, P.; Lafuente-Urrez, R. F.; Belinchón, Isabel; Sánchez-Regaña, Manuel; García-Bustínduy, M.; Ribera, M.; Alsina, M.; Ferrándiz, C.; Fonseca, E.; García-Patos, V.; Herrera, E.; López Estebaranz, José Luis
Adverse events associated with discontinuation of the biologicsclassic systemic treatments for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis data from the Spanish Biologics Registry.PDF.jpg2017Adverse events associated with discontinuation of the biologics/classic systemic treatments for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis: data from the Spanish Biologics Registry, Biobadaderm
Belinchón, Isabel; Ramos, Jose Manuel; Carretero, G.; Ferrandiz, C.; Rivera, R.; Dauden, E.; De la Cueva-Dobao, P.; Gómez-García, F. J.; Herrera-Ceballos, E.; Sánchez-Carazo, J. L.; López Estebaranz, José Luis; Alsina, M.; Ferrán, M.; Torrado, R.; Carrascosa, J. M.
Outcome of cancer-associated venous thromboembolism is more favorable among patients with hematologic malignancies than in those with solid tumors.pdf.jpg2022Outcome of Cancer-Associated Venous Thromboembolism Is More Favorable among Patients with Hematologic Malignancies than in Those with Solid Tumors
Lecumberri, Ramón; RUIZ-ARTACHO, PEDRO; Tzoran, Inna; Brenner, Benjamin; Farge-Bancel, Dominique; AY, CİHAN; Rosa, Vladimir; Francisco, Iria; Hernandez Blasco, Luis M.; Trujillo-Santos, Javier; Monreal, Manuel; The RIETE Investigators
Sleep Duration and Cutaneous Melanoma Aggressiveness. A Prospective Observational Study in 443 Patients.pdf.jpg2021Sleep Duration and Cutaneous Melanoma Aggressiveness. A Prospective Observational Study in 443 Patients
Gómez Olivas, José Daniel; Campos-Rodriguez, Francisco; Nagore, Eduardo; Hernandez Blasco, Luis M.; CABRIADA, VALENTIN; Abad, Jorge; Mediano, Olga; Pastor, Esther; Chiner, Eusebi; Sanchez-de-la-Torre, Manuel; Cano, Irene; Somoza, Maria; Garcia-Ortega, Alberto; Oscullo, Grace; Martínez-García, Miguel Angel
Soluble PD-L1 is a potential biomarker of cutaneous melanoma aggressiveness and metastasis in obstructive sleep apnoea patients.pdf.jpg2019Soluble PD-L1 is a potential biomarker of cutaneous melanoma aggressiveness and metastasis in obstructive sleep apnoea patients
Cubillos-Zapata, Carolina; Martínez-García, Miguel Ángel; Campos-Rodríguez, Francisco; Sánchez de la Torre, Manuel; Nagore, Eduardo; Martorell-Calatayud, Antonio; Hernandez Blasco, Luis M.; Chiner, Eusebi; Abad Capa, Jorge; Montserrat, Josep María; CABRIADA, VALENTIN; Cano-Pumarega, Irene; corral-peñafiel, jaime; Díaz-Cambriles, Trinidad; Mediano, Olga
Urinary Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, and Enuresis in.pdf.jpg16-jul-2011Urinary Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, and Enuresis in the Spanish Population: An Epidemiologic, Multicenter, and National Study
Martínez-Agulló, Eduardo; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Ramírez-Backhaus, Miguel; Rebollo, Pablo; Pérez, Maite; Chaves, José; The EPICC Cooperative Study Group
Sexual Quality of Life after Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence with Adjustable Tension-Free Mesh System in Women Who Were Sexually Active Prior to Surgery.pdf.jpgmay-2018Sexual Quality of Life after Treatment of Stress Urinary Incontinence with Adjustable Tension-Free Mesh System in Women Who Were Sexually Active Prior to Surgery
Pérez Tomás, Carla; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Romero Maroto, Jesús; Palazón-Bru, Antonio; Navarro-Cremades, Felipe; Cortés Castell, Ernesto
Prevalencia de la enuresis nocturna en la Comunidad.pdf.jpg7-may-2009Prevalencia de la enuresis nocturna en la Comunidad Valenciana. Sección infantil del Estudio Nacional de Incontinencia. Estudio EPICC
ramirez backhaus, miguel; Martínez Agulló, Eduardo; Arlandis Guzmán, Salvador; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Delgado Oliva, Francisco; Martínez García, Roberto; Jiménez, Juan Fernando
Prevalencia de incontinencia urinaria y vejiga hiperactiva en la.pdf.jpgfeb-2009Prevalencia de incontinencia urinaria y vejiga hiperactiva en la población española: Resultados del estudio EPICC
Martínez Agulló, Eduardo; Ruiz Cerdá, José L.; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; ramirez backhaus, miguel; Delgado Oliva, Francisco; Rebollo, Pablo; González-Segura Alsina, Diego; Arumi, Daniel; Grupo de Estudio Cooperativo EPICC
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 214