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Showing results 70 to 82 of 82 < previous 
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foods-11-02601-v2.pdf.jpgAug- 202Quality and Functional Parameters of Fermented Milk Obtained from Goat Milk Fed with Broccoli and Artichoke Plant By-Products
Romero Moraleda, Gema; Díaz Sánchez, José Ramón; Muelas, Raquel; Monllor Guerra, Paula; Fernández-López, Juana; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Cano-Lamadrid, Marina; Sendra, Esther
41-foods-12-02659.pdf.jpgJul-2023Quality Characteristics of Fresh Date Palm Fruits of “Medjoul” and “Confitera” cv. from the Southeast of Spain (Elche Palm Grove)
Muñoz Bas, Clara; Muñoz Tebar, Nuria; Candela-Salvador, Laura; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Lorenzo Rodriguez, Jose Manuel; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Fernández-López, Juana
Quinoa and chia products as ingredients...pdf.jpg4-Jul-2020Quinoa and chia products as ingredients for healthier processed meat products: technological strategies for their application and effects on the final productFernandez-Lopez, Juana; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel
Satiety from healthier and functional foods.pdf.jpg27-May-2021Satiety from healthier and functional foods
Sichetti Munekata, Paulo Eduardo; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Pateiro, Mirian; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Lorenzo, José M.
Screening factors to affect ultrasound-assisted extraction of....pdf.jpg16-Jul-2024Screening factors to affect ultrasound-assisted extraction of (poly)phenols from date palm seeds
Lucas González, Raquel; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana
38-foods-12-01456.pdf.jpgMar-2023Strategies for the Valorization of Date Fruit and Its Co-Products: A New Ingredient in the Development of Value-Added Foods
Muñoz Tebar, Nuria; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Lorenzo Rodriguez, Jose Manuel; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel
32-foods-11-03661-v2.pdf.jpgSep-2022Sustainability and Gender Perspective in Food Innovation: Foods and Food Processing Coproducts as Source of Macro- and Micro-Nutrients for Woman-Fortified Foods
Sayas-Barberá, Estrella; Alvarez Perez, Jose Angel; Navarro Rodríguez de Vera, Casilda; Fernández-López, Manuela; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana
Total and Partial Fat Replacement by Gelled Emulsion.pdf.jpg21-Jul-2021Total and Partial Fat Replacement by Gelled Emulsion (Hemp Oil and Buckwheat Flour) and Its Impact on the Chemical, Technological and Sensory Properties of Frankfurters
Botella Martínez, Carmen María; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana
foods-09-00727-v2.pdf.jpgJun-2020Turrón Coproducts as Source of Bioactive Compounds: Assessment of Chemical, Physico-Chemical, Techno Functional and Antioxidant Properties
Lorente Mento, Jose Manuel; Lucas González, Raquel; Sayas-Barberá, Estrella; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Viuda-Martos, Manuel
Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Too...pdf.jpg5-Oct-2024Using Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools to Improve the Literature Review Process: Pilot Test with the Topic “Hybrid Meat Products”
Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Borras Rocher, Fernando; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel
Andreu Ivorra Raquel.pdf.jpgJun-2018Uso de la quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) en el desarrollo de productos cárnicos funcionalesAndreu Ivorra, Raquel
Valorization of Citrus Co-Products.pdf.jpg26-May-2021Valorization of Citrus Co-Products: Recovery of Bioactive Compounds and Application in Meat and Meat Products
Nieto Martínez, Gema; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Peñalver, Rocio; Ros Berruezo, Gaspar; Viuda-Martos, Manuel
plants-09-01769-v3.pdf.jpgDec-2020Vegetable Soups and Creams: Raw Materials, Processing, Health Benefits, and Innovation Trends
Fernández-López, Juana; Botella Martínez, Carmen María; Navarro Rodríguez de Vera, Casilda; Sayas-Barberá, Estrella; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Sánchez-Zapata, Elena; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel