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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
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computers-13-00016.pdf.jpg4-Jan-2024A Multi-Channel Packet Scheduling Approach to Improving Video Delivery Performance in Vehicular Networks †
Garrido Abenza, Pedro Pablo; Malumbres, Manuel P; Piñol, Pablo; López Granado, Otoniel Mario
Analysis_of_the_Perceptual_Quality_Performance_of_Different_HEVC_Coding_Tools.pdf.jpg1-Mar-2021Analysis of the Perceptual Quality Performance of Different HEVC Coding Tools
Ruiz Atencia, Javier; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Perez Malumbres, Manuel; Martínez-Rach, Miguel Onofre; Van Wallendael, Glenn
E1_Design and Implementation of an efficent hardware integer motion estimator for an HEVC video encoder.pdf.jpg26-Feb-2016Design and implementation of an efficient hardware integer motion estimator for an HEVC video encoder
Alcocer Espinosa, Estefanía Fátima; Gutiérrez Mazón, roberto; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Perez Malumbres, Manuel
TFG-Seller López, Antonio.pdf.jpgSep-2024Diseño de Herramienta para el análisis de imágenes hiperespectralesSeller López, Antonio
TFG-Sarrías Pérez, Adrián.pdf.jpgJun-2024Diseño e implementación de un sistema de control, mediante app móvil, para redes de sensores acústicos en IOTSarrías Pérez, Adrián
02_Evaluating_the_Use_of_QoS_for_Video_Delivery_in_Vehicular_Networks (1).pdf.jpg2020Evaluating the Use of QoS for Video Delivery in Vehicular Networks
Garrido Abenza, Pedro Pablo; Perez Malumbres, Manuel; Piñol, Pablo; López Granado, Otoniel Mario
02_applsci-08-00854 (1).pdf.jpgMay-2018Frame-Based and Subpicture-Based Parallelization Approaches of the HEVC Video Encoder
Migallon, Hector; Piñol, Pablo; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Galiano, Vicente; Perez Malumbres, Manuel
s11227-022-04764-1.pdf.jpgAug-2022On the use of deep learning and parallelism techniques to signifcantly reduce the HEVC intra‑coding time
Galiano, Vicente; Migallon, Hector; Martínez-Rach, Miguel Onofre; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Perez Malumbres, Manuel
s11227-022-04764-1.pdf.jpg3-Sep-2022On the use of deep learning and parallelism techniques to significantly reduce the HEVC intra-coding time
Galiano, Vicente; Migallon, Hector; Martínez-Rach, Miguel Onofre; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Malumbres, Manuel P
03_Optimizing_the_Transmission_of_Multimedia_Content_over_Vehicular_Networks (1).pdf.jpgAug-2023Optimizing the Transmission of Multimedia Content over Vehicular Networks
Garrido Abenza, Pedro Pablo; Piñol, Pablo; Martínez-Rach, Miguel Onofre; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Migallon, Hector; Perez Malumbres, Manuel
jimaging-07-00039-v2.pdf.jpg22-Feb-2021Performance Overview of the Latest Video Coding Proposals: HEVC, JEM and VVC
Martínez-Rach, Miguel Onofre; Migallon, Hector; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Galiano, Vicente; Malumbres, Manuel P.
01_Simulation_Framework_for_Evaluating_Video_Delivery_Services_Over_Vehicular_Networks (1).pdf.jpgApr-2019Simulation Framework for Evaluating Video Delivery Services over Vehicular Networks
Garrido Abenza, Pedro Pablo; Piñol, Pablo; Perez Malumbres, Manuel; López Granado, Otoniel Mario
01_sensors-18-03107-v2 (1).pdf.jpgSep-2018Source Coding Options to Improve HEVC Video Streaming in Vehicular Networks
Garrido Abenza, Pedro Pablo; Perez Malumbres, Manuel; Piñol, Pablo; López Granado, Otoniel Mario