Showing results 1 to 20 of 125
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Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Access |
| 20-Jan-2020 | Actividad de los nervios sensoriales de la córnea durante la deficiencia lagrimal crónica y su modulación farmacológica | Quirce Vázquez, Susana | |
| 29-May-2014 | Actividad sincrónica cortical: características; propagación intra e interhemisférica y su modulación por serotonina | Rovira Zambrana, Víctor | |
| 31-Jul-2020 | Activity-dependent refinement of the developing visual system. A comparative study across retinal ganglion cell populations and target nuclei | Negueruela Lázaro, Santiago | |
| 2023 | Activity-dependent regulation of thalamic
interneuron and microglia in the visual thalamus | Huerga-Gomez, Irene | |
| 26-Nov-2015 | Addressing the complexity of notch-induced cancer. Molecular mechanism of the microRNA miR-7 and the BTB-transcription factor pipsqueak | Gutiérrez Pérez, Irene | |
| Nov-2022 | Adhesion molecule Amigo2 is involved in the fasciculation process of the fasciculus retroflexus | Company Devesa, Verónica; Murcia Ramón, Raquel; Andreu Cervera, Abraham; Aracil Pastor, Paula; Almagro García, Francisca de Paula; Martínez Pérez, Salvador; Echevarría Aza, Diego; de Puelles Martínez de La Torre, Eduardo | |
| 2-Dec-2022 | Análisis funcional de moléculas de guía axonal en la división asimétrica de las células madre neurales del sistema nervioso central de Drosophila | Torres Jurado, Ana María de | |
| 10-Mar-2016 | Analysis of the Drosophila asymmetric cell division regulator Canoe/Afadin in tumorigenesis | Rives Quinto, Noemí | |
| 10-Apr-2014 | Assessing the action of GluK1 overexpression on synaptic strength and plasticity in a mouse model of Down syndrome | Mazier, Wilfrid | |
| 2-Jul-2014 | Blood Oxygenated Level Dependent functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (BOLD fMRI) and Local Field Potentials in the hippocampus of mice lacking IP3-dependent calcium signalling in astrocytes | Jego, Pierrick | |
| 17-Nov-2015 | Los canales iónicos termosensibles TRPM8 y TRPA1: papel en la termosensación y la termorregulación en condiciones fisiológicas y en un modelo experimental de neuropatía inducida por el oxaliplatino | Fernández-Peña Acuña, Carlos | |
| 29-Jan-2020 | Caracterización de líneas transgénicas murinas para el canal iónico termosensible TRPM8: valoración funcional, expresión extraganglionar e identificación de nuevas dianas de inervación | Ordás, Purificación | |
| 18-Sep-2017 | Cell-type specific programs regulate the assembly and dynamics of cortical circuits | Favuzzi, Emilia | |
| 2019 | Chapter 6: Characterization of TRPC Channels in a Heterologous System Using Calcium Imaging and the Patch-Clamp Technique | De la Peña García, Elvira; Gomis García, Ana María | |
| 1-Mar-2016 | Characterization and fate mapping of the thalamic eminence and the caudoventral pallium in mice | Ruiz Reig, Nuria | |
| 9-Jun-2023 | Characterizing of Robo downstream signalling to promote direct neurogenesis | Moustafa Mahmoud Amin, Salma | |
| 18-Jun-2014 | Cold-sensitive fibers of the mouse tongue: Molecular and functional types and modulatory role on drinking behavior | Denlinger, Bristol | |
| 28-Apr-2023 | Contribution of the stria medullaris to the habenular complex: from the prethalamic eminence to the habenula | Juárez Leal, Iris | |
| 5-May-2023 | Deciphering apolipoprotein E-associated alterations in Alzheimer’s Disease | Lennol, Matthew Paul | |
| 21-Jan-2022 | Descripción clínica y genética de los pacientes con diagnóstico de Charcot-Marie-Tooth en el área de Alicante e identificación de nuevas mutaciones en CMT1 | Blanco Cantó, Maria Empar | |