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Opportunistic Multihopping for Energy Efficiency: Opportunistic Multi-Hop Cellular Networking for Energy-Efficient Provision of Mobile Delay Tolerant Services

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Título :
Opportunistic Multihopping for Energy Efficiency: Opportunistic Multi-Hop Cellular Networking for Energy-Efficient Provision of Mobile Delay Tolerant Services
Autor :
Coll Perales, Baldomero
Gozalvez, Javier  
Lázaro, Óscar
Sepulcre, Miguel  
Fecha de publicación:
Resumen :
Cellular operators are facing considerable capacity and energy-efficiency challenges as cellular data traffic keeps on rising. Several studies have shown that multi-hop celular networks (MCN) could help tackle these challenges through the integration of device to device and cellular communications. This study demonstrates that significant energy-efficiency gains can be achieved when MCN networks jointly exploit opportunistic networking and the traffic delay tolerance characteristic of relevant mobile data services
Palabras clave/Materias:
Mobile communication
Energy consumption
Energy efficiency
Mobile computing
Cellular radio
Electronic mail
Área de conocimiento :
. Ingeniería eléctrica. Electrotecnia. Telecomunicaciones
Tipo de documento :
Derechos de acceso:
Aparece en las colecciones:
Artículos Ingeniería Comunicaciones

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