Artículos Fisiología 11

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 11 de 11
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Sensory nerve responses elicited by experimental ocular hypertension.pdf.jpg1986Sensory nerve responses elicited by experimental ocular hypertensionZuazo, Alfredo; Ibañez, Joaquín; Belmonte, Carlos
2019_Book_TRPChannels .pdf.jpg2019Chapter 6: Characterization of TRPC Channels in a Heterologous System Using Calcium Imaging and the Patch-Clamp TechniqueDe la Peña García, Elvira; Gomis García, Ana María
HA TRPV1 Channels.pdf.jpgabr-2016TRPV1 channel modulation by hyaluronan reduces pain
De la Peña García, Elvira; Gomis García, Ana María; Ferrer Montiel, Antonio Vicente; Belmonte Martínez, Carlos
Joint_nociceptor_nerve_activity_and_pain_in_an.99064 (1).pdf.jpgabr-2018Joint nociceptor nerve activity and pain in an animal model of acute gout and its modulation by intra-articular hyaluronan
Marcotti, Aida; Miralles, Ana; Domínguez, Eduardo; Pascual Gómez, Eliseo Ángel; Gomis García, Ana María; Belmonte Martínez, Carlos; De la Peña García, Elvira
TRPA1 modulation by Sigma1R Brain 2023.pdf.jpg13-feb-2023TRPA1 modulation by Sigma-1 receptor prevents oxaliplatin-induced painful peripheral neuropathy
Marcotti, Aida; Fernández Trillo, Jorge; González, Alejandro; Vizcaíno Escoto, Marta; Ros Arlanzón, Pablo; Romero, Luz; Vela, José Miguel; Gomis García, Ana María; Viana de la Iglesia, Félix; De la Peña García, Elvira
Validation TRPM8 antibodies.pdf.jpg18-dic-2022Validation of Six Commercial Antibodies for the Detection of Heterologous and Endogenous TRPM8 Ion Channel Expression
Hernández Ortego, Pablo; Torres Montero, María Remedios; De la Peña García, Elvira; Viana de la Iglesia, Félix; Fernández Trillo, Jorge
Identifying ADHD boys by very-low frequency prefrontal fNIRS fluctuations during a rhythmic mental arithmetic task.pdf.jpg23-may-2023Identifying ADHD boys by very-low frequency prefrontal fNIRS fluctuations during a rhythmic mental arithmetic task
Ortuño Miró, Sergio; Molina Rodríguez, Sergio; Belmonte Martínez, Carlos; Ibáñez Ballesteros, Joaquín
Stress estimation by the prefrontal cortex asymmetry-Study on fNIRS signals.pdf.jpg15-mar-2023Stress estimation by the prefrontal cortex asymmetry: Study on fNIRS signals
Molina Rodríguez, Sergio; Hidalgo Muñoz, Antonio R.; Ibáñez Ballesteros, Joaquín; Tabernero, Carmen
Frequency‐domain analysis of fNIRS fluctuations induced by rhythmic mental-1.pdf.jpgjul-2021Frequency-domain analysis of fNIRS fluctuations induced by rhythmic mental arithmetic
Molina Rodríguez, Sergio; Marcos Mirete, Fructuoso; Martínez Otero, Luis Miguel; Ibáñez Ballesteros, Joaquín
1-Bech, Gonzalez-Gonzalez et al 2018 (PRK in mice).pdf.jpg4-abr-2018Functional and Morphologic Alterations in Mechanical, Polymodal, and Cold Sensory Nerve Fibers of the Cornea Following Photorefractive Keratectomy
Bech, Federico; González González, Omar; Artime, Enol; Serrano, Joana; Alcalde, Ignacio; Gallar Martínez, Juana; Merayo-Lloves, Jesús; Belmonte Martínez, Carlos
2-Alcalde et al 2018 (TRPM8 aging).pdf.jpg16-mar-2018Morphological and functional changes in TRPM8-expressing corneal cold thermoreceptor neurons during aging and their impact on tearing in mice
Alcalde, Ignacio; Iñigo Portugués, Almudena; González González, Omar; Almaraz, Laura; Artime, Enol; Morenilla Palao, María Cruz; Gallar Martínez, Juana; Viana De la Iglesia, Félix; Merayo Lloves, Jesús; Belmonte Martínez, Carlos
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