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dc.contributor.authorZuazo, Alfredo-
dc.contributor.authorIbañez, Joaquín-
dc.contributor.authorBelmonte, Carlos-
dc.contributor.otherDepartamentos de la UMH::Fisiologíaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationExperimental Eye Research, Volume 43, Issue 5, November 1986, Pages 759-769es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn order to clarify the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying the pain sensations that accompany certain forms of glaucoma, the responses of ocular sensory fibers to artificially induced intraocular pressure increases were studied in the cat. In lightly anesthetized animals, intraocular pressure elevations up to 120 mmHg did not evoke the sustained reflex changes in arterial pressure or heart rate that would be suggestive of strong nociceptive stimulation. Multiunit activity recorded from filaments of mixed ciliary nerves showed a sharp frequency increase (phasic response) at the onset of intraocular pressure elevations of 20 mmHg or more. In half of the Rerves, the discharge stabilized at a higher firing frequency throughout the rise in pressure (tonic response). Corneal units fired phasically in response to intraocular-pressure elevations, and in one third of them this burst of impulses was followed by a low-frequency tonic discharge. Most of the fibers sensitive to light mechanical stimulation of the scleral surface discharged only phasically when intraocular pressure was raised to values of 60 mmHg or more, whereas high threshold scleral fibers were totally insensitive. Iridial fibers responded in all cases to ocular hypertension with a phasic response that became progressively tonic with higher intraocular-pressure values. It is concluded that mechanical deformation of the ocular structures resulting from intraocular-pressure elevations to pathological levels causes only transient excitation of most ocular sensory fibers. Hence, mechanical stimulation appears to be directly responsible only for the transient pain sensations during acute intraocular pressure increases experienced by glaucoma patients.es_ES
dc.publisherLondon : Academic Presses_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectocular hypertensiones_ES
dc.subjectciliary nerveses_ES
dc.subjectocular paines_ES
dc.subjectcorneal nerveses_ES
dc.subjectscleral nerveses_ES
dc.subjectiridial nerveses_ES
dc.subjecteye innervationes_ES
dc.titleSensory nerve responses elicited by experimental ocular hypertensiones_ES
dc.contributor.instituteInstitutos de la UMH::Instituto de Neurocienciases_ES
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Artículos Fisiología


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