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dc.contributor.authorDávila-Seijo, Paula-
dc.contributor.authorDauden, Esteban-
dc.contributor.authorDescalzo, M. A.-
dc.contributor.authorCarretero, Gregorio-
dc.contributor.authorCarrascosa, José Manuel-
dc.contributor.authorVANACLOCHA, FRANCISCO JOSE-
dc.contributor.authorGómez García, Francisco José-
dc.contributor.authorDe la Cueva-Dobao, Pablo-
dc.contributor.authorHerrera-Ceballos, Enrique-
dc.contributor.authorBelinchón, Isabel-
dc.contributor.authorLópez Estebaranz, José Luis-
dc.contributor.authorAlsina, Merce-
dc.contributor.authorSánchez-Carazo, José Luis-
dc.contributor.authorFerrán, Marta-
dc.contributor.authorTorrado, Rosa-
dc.contributor.otherDepartamentos de la UMH::Medicina Clínicaes_ES
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Investigative Dermatology. 2017 Feb;137(2):313-321es_ES
dc.description.abstractInformation regarding the safety of biological drugs prescribed to psoriasis patients on daily and long-term bases is insufficient. We used data from the BIOBADADERM registry (Spanish Registry of Adverse Events for Biological Therapy in Dermatological Diseases) to generate crude rates of infection during therapy with systemic drugs, including biological drugs (infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab, and ustekinumab) and nonbiological drugs (acitretin, cyclosporine, and methotrexate). We also calculated unadjusted and adjusted risk ratios (RRs) (with propensity score adjustment) of infection, serious infections, and recurrent infections of systemic therapies compared with methotrexate, using Poisson regression. Our study included records of 2,153 patients (7,867.5 person-years). The adjusted RR of overall infection was significantly increased in the groups treated with adalimumab with methotrexate (adjusted RR = 2.13, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.2-3.7), infliximab (adjusted RR = 1.71, 95% CI = 1.1-2.65), cyclosporine (adjusted RR = 1.58, 95% CI = 1.17-2.15), ustekinumab with methotrexate (adjusted RR = 1.56, 95% CI = 1.08-2.25), and etanercept (adjusted RR = 1.34, 95% CI: 1.02-1.76) compared with methotrexate alone. Cyclosporine had a significant risk of serious infection (adjusted RR = 3.12, 95% CI = 1.1-8.8), followed by adalimumab combined with methotrexate (adjusted RR = 3.28, 95% CI = 0.8-13.5). Adalimumab in combination with methotrexate had the highest risk of infection recurrence (adjusted RR = 4.33, 95% CI = 2.27-8.24).es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.titleInfections in Moderate to Severe Psoriasis Patients Treated with Biological Drugs Compared to Classic Systemic Drugs: Findings from the BIOBADADERM Registryes_ES
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Artículos Medicina Clínica

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