Artículos Bioquímica y Biología Molecular 56

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 56 de 56
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3-Nature communication 2022.pdf.jpg2022TRPM8 contributes to sex dimorphism by promoting recovery of normal sensitivity in a mouse model of chronic migraine
Fernandez-Carvajal, Asia; Alarcón Alarcón, David; Cabañero, David; de Andrés López, Jorge; Nikolaeva-Koleva, Magdalena; Giorgi, Simona; Fernandez-Ballester, Gregorio; Ferrer-Montiel, Antonio
5-Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 2023.pdf.jpg2023First-in-Class Dual Hybrid Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors and Transient Receptor Potential Vanilloid 1 Agonists Revert Oxaliplatin-Induced Neuropathy
Fernandez-Carvajal, Asia; angeli, andrea; Micheli, Laura; carta, fabrizio; Ferraroni, Marta; PIRALI, Tracey; Ferrer-Montiel, Antonio; Di Cesare Mannelli, Lorenzo ; GHELARDINI, CARLA; Supuran, Claudiu
9-Expert Opinion in Investigational Drugs 2020.pdf.jpg2020Investigational drugs in early phase clinical trials targeting thermotransient receptor potential (thermoTRP) channels
Fernandez-Carvajal, Asia; GONZALEZ-MUÑIZ, ROSARIO; Fernandez-Ballester, Gregorio; Ferrer-Montiel, Antonio
6-Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2022.pdf.jpg2022ThermoTRP channels in pain sexual dimorphism: new insights for drug intervention
Cabañero, David; Villalba Riquelme, Eva María; Fernandez-Ballester, Gregorio; Fernandez-Carvajal, Asia; Ferrer-Montiel, Antonio
14_2_FSI 2.674_Macrogard and complement and CRP in carp.pdf.jpgago-2014Feeding common carp Cyprinus carpio with β-glucan supplemented diet stimulates C-reactive protein and complement immune acute phase responses following PAMPs injection
Pionnier, Nicolas; Falcó, Alberto; Miest, Joanna; Shrive, Annette K.; Hoole, David
14_1_FSI 2.674_Macrogard TLR3 carp.pdf.jpg2014B-glucan-supplemented diets increase poly(I:C)-induced gene expression of Mx, possibly via Tlr3-mediated recognition mechanism in common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Falcó, Alberto; Miest, Joanna; Pionnier, Nicolas; Pietretti, Danilo; Forlenza, María; Wiegertjes, Geert F.; Hoole, David
13_2_FSI 3.034_complement Macrogard Aeromonas carp.pdf.jpgmar-2013Dietary β-glucan stimulate complement and C-reactive protein acute phase responses in common carp (Cyprinus carpio) during an Aeromonas salmonicida infection
Pionnier, Nicolas; Falcó, Alberto; Miest, Joanna; Frost, Patrick; Irnazarow, Ilgiz; Shrive, Annette; Hoole, Dave
12_1_FSI 2.964_Gene expression carp by BGlucan.pdf.jpgjun-2012Reduced inflammatory response to Aeromonas salmonicida infection in common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) fed with β-glucan supplements
Falcó, Alberto; Frost, Patrick; Miest, Joanna; Pionnier, Nicolas; Irnazarow, Ilgiz; Hoole, David
12_1_DCI 3.238_ccCRP1 and 2.pdf.jpgmay-2012Molecular characterization and expression analysis of two new C-reactive protein genes from common carp (Cyprinus carpio)
Falcó, Alberto; Cartwright, Jamie R.; Wiegertjes, Geert F.; Hoole, David
11_3_Vet. Microb. 3.327_IPNV cell line.pdf.jpg21-abr-2011Characterization of an infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) virus carrier cell culture with resistance to superinfection with heterologous viruses
García, Inmaculada; Galiana, Antonio; Falcó, Alberto; Estepa, Amparo; Pérez, Luis
10_3_Cancer letters 4.864.pdf.jpg28-abr-2010Selective death of human breast cancer cells by lytic immunoliposomes: Correlation with their HER2 expression level
Barrajón-Catalán, Enrique; Menéndez-Gutierrez, María P.; Falcó, Alberto; Carrato, Alfredo; Saceda, Miguel; Micol, Vicente
10.1016_j.fct.2019.03.049 (3).pdf.jpg26-mar-2019The extra virgin olive oil phenolic oleacein is a dual substrate-inhibitor of catechol-O-methyltransferase
Cuyàs, Elisabet; Verdura, Sara; Lozano Sánchez, Jesús; Viciano, Ignacio; Llorach-Pares, Laura; Nonell-Canals, Alfons; Bosch-Barrera, Joaquim; Brunet, Joan; segura Carretero, Antonio; Sanchez-Martinez, Melchor; Encinar, José Antonio; MENÉNDEZ MENÉNDEZ, JAVIER ABEL
10.18632_aging.102646 (1).pdf.jpg23-dic-2019Resveratrol targets PD-L1 glycosylation and dimerization to enhance antitumor T-cell immunity
Verdura, Sara; Cuyàs, Elisabet; Cortada Almar, Eric; Brunet, Joan; López-Bonet, Eugeni; Martín-Castillo, Begoña; Bosch-Barrera, Joaquim; Encinar, José Antonio; MENÉNDEZ MENÉNDEZ, JAVIER ABEL
10.3390_md16100385 (2).pdf.jpg12-oct-2018New Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) Modulators Derived from Natural Product Databases and Marine Extracts by Using Molecular Docking Techniques
Ruiz-Torres, Veronica; Losada-Echeberría, María; Herranz-Lopez, Maria; Barrajón-Catalán, Enrique; Galiano, Vicente; Micol, Vicente; Encinar, José Antonio
10.1016_j.redox.2022.102396 (4).pdf.jpg4-jul-2022An inhibitor of interaction between the transcription factor NRF2 and the E3 ubiquitin ligase adapter β-TrCP delivers anti-inflammatory responses in mouse liver
Fernández Ginés, Raquel; Encinar, José Antonio; Hayes, John; Oliva, Baldomero; Rodríguez-Franco, María Isabel; Rojo, Ana I; Cuadrado, Antonio
viruses-12-00525-v3.pdf.jpg8-may-2020Potential Drugs Targeting Early Innate Immune Evasion of SARS-Coronavirus 2 via 2’-O-Methylation of Viral RNAEncinar, José Antonio; MENÉNDEZ MENÉNDEZ, JAVIER ABEL
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