Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 109
Vista previa | Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) | Acceso |
 | ago-2021 | The Role of Acceptance in Eating Behaviors—Spanish Validation of Food Craving Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (FAAQ-S) | Manchón, Javier; Quiles, Maria Jose; López Roig, Sofía |  |
 | may-2022 | Terapia de Aceptación y Compromiso en conducta suicida: una revisión sistemática | Ortas Barajas, Francisco; Manchón, Javier |  |
 | 2022 | Intervención psicológica basada en la terapia de aceptación y compromiso para el sobrepeso y la obesidad: un estudio piloto | Manchón, Javier; Quiles, María José; López Roig, Sofía |  |
 | jul-2020 | Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on physical activity: A systematic review | Manchón López, J.; Quiles, M.J.; León, E.M.; López Roig, Sofía |  |
 | 26-abr-2024 | Mental health promotion and suicide prevention in emerging adulthood: importance of psychoeducational interventions in University students | Pérez-Marín, Marián; Lacomba-Trejo, Laura; Giménez-Benavent, Saray ; Rodríguez-Fernández, Aiara Auristela; Aguilar García-Iturrospe, Eduardo Jesús; Albiñana-Cruz, Nuria; Andreu, Yolanda; Badenes-Ribera, Laura; Beleña Mateo, Angela; BENAVIDES GIL, GEMMA; Carrillo-Díaz, María; Castro-Calvo, Jesús; Checa-Esquiva, Irene; Cotolí-Crespo, Amparo; Dasí, Francisco; De-la-Barrera, Usue; Esteras-Peña, Jesús; Fuentes Durá, Inmaculada; Garcia-Soriano, Gemma; Gil-Juliá, Beatriz; Iranzo-Tatay, Carmen; Lucas-Molina, Beatriz; Martinez-Besteiro, Elvira; Montoya Castilla, Inmaculada; Muñoz-Navarro, Roger; Nardi-Rodríguez, Ainara; Ordóñez-López, Ana; Palomares-Montero, Davinia; Pamies-Aubalat, Lidia |  |
 | 2024 | Impact on Spanish women of previous workplace victimization experiences
of workplace sexual harassment on the responsibility to intervene as
bystander: Mediating roles of myth acceptance and perceived severity | Nardi-Rodríguez, Ainara; Sánchez-Prada, Andrés; Ferreiro Basurto, Virginia; Delgado Álvarez, Carmen; Vázquez González, Leila Irea; Ferrer-Perez, Victoria A. |  |
 | 2023 | Treatment efficacy of 0.9% saline and mepivacaine infiltration with Dermojet® in eliminating plantar warts | Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Oltra Romero, Ana María; Garcia-Lázaro, Silvia; Zúnica García, Sara; Chicharro Luna, Esther |  |
 | 2024 | Validation of a New Ankle Brachial Index Measurement System Using Pulse Wave Velocity | Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Romero Ante, Juan David; Chicharro Luna, Esther; Manrique Cordoba, Juliana; Vicente Samper, José María; Sabater Navarro, José María |  |
 | 2023 | Consensus-based recommendations on physical activity and exercise in patients with diabetes at risk of foot ulcerations: a Delphi study | Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Lopez-Pineda, Adriana; Chicharro Luna, Esther; LAZARO MARTINEZ, JOSE LUIS; Pérez, Antonio; Pomares Gómez, Francisco José; Fernández-Seguín, Lourdes M; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F. |  |
 | 2024 | Influence of skin hydration level on the occurrence of blisters on the foot during hiking | Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Martínez Nova, Alfonso; Chicharro Luna, Esther; Zúnica García, Sara |  |
 | 2023 | Influence of blistering lesions on foot functionality in hikers | Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Moya Cuenca, Coral; Chicharro Luna, Esther; Zúnica García, Sara; García Cremades, José Santiago |  |
 | 2021 | A Delphi Study Protocol to Identify Recommendations on Physical Activity and Exercise in Patients with Diabetes and Risk of Foot Ulcerations | Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Lopez-Pineda, Adriana; Chicharro-Luna, Esther; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F |  |
 | 2023 | Impact of fibromyalgia and related factors on foot function and quality of life: Cross-sectional study | López-Muñoz, Sara; Gracia-Vesga, Miguel Ángel; Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Zúnica García, Sara; Gijon-Nogueron, Gabriel; Chicharro-Luna, Esther |  |
 | 2024 | Relationship Between Morphofunctional Alterations of the Foot and Its Functionality in Patients with Fibromyalgia Syndrome: A Case–Control Study | De Maya-Tobarra, María; Zúnica García, Sara; Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Chicharro-Luna, Esther |  |
 | 2024 | Age-related variations in stratum corneum hydration in the foot | Chicharro-Luna, Esther; Zúnica García, Sara; Martinez-Algarra, Cynthia; Gracia Sánchez, Alba |  |
 | may-2021 | Social Comparison and Stress Appraisal in Women with
Chronic Illness | Terol Cantero, M Carmen; Bernabé, Miguel; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN, MAITE; Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina; Buunk, Abraham P. |  |
 | jun-2020 | Análisis de las Actitudes de las y los Adolescentes
hacia la Prostitución y los Motivos para su consumo. | Velikova Dimitrova, Mariela; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN GELABERT, MAITE; Terol Cantero, María del Carmen; Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina |  |
 | 2011 | La influencia del estilo educativo en los procesos de autoatribución y las manifestaciones de sexismo | Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina; Martínez Martínez, Carmen |  |
 | 2014 | The effect of meditation based on self-observation on cognitive responses in conflictive social interaction | Pinazo, Daniel; Vázquez, Carolina |  |
 | jul-2021 | Cultural Adaptation and Psychometric Properties of the
Spanish Version of the Occupational Balance Questionnaire:
An Instrument for Occupation-Based Research | Peral Gómez, Paula; López Roig, Sofía; Pastor Mira, María Ángeles; Abad Navarro, Ester; Valera Gran, Desirée; Håkansson, Carita; Wagman, Petra |  |
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 109