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Showing results 1 to 20 of 60  next >
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A high resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain.pdf.jpg2014A high resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain
Thompson, Carol; Ng, Lydia; Menon, Vilas; Martínez Pérez, Salvador; Lee, Chang Kyu; Glattfelder, Katie; Sunkin, Susan; Henry, Alex; Lau, Christopher; Dang, Chinh; Garcia-López, Raquel; Martínez, Almudena; Pombero, Ana; Rubenstein, John L.R.; Wakeman, Wayne
TESIS HuergaGomez_Irene.pdf.jpg2023Activity-dependent regulation of thalamic interneuron and microglia in the visual thalamusHuerga-Gomez, Irene
Amyloid precursor protein glycosylation is altered in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease.pdf.jpg2020Amyloid precursor protein glycosylation is altered in the brain of patients with Alzheimer's disease
P. Boix, Claudia; Lopez-Font, Inmaculada; Cuchillo-Ibañez, Inmaculada; Sáez-Valero, Javier
An Update on the Molecular Mechanism of the Vertebrate Isthmic Organizer Development in the Context of the Neuromeric Model.pdf.jpg24-Mar-2022An Update on the Molecular Mechanism of the Vertebrate Isthmic Organizer Development in the Context of the Neuromeric Model
Hidalgo-Sánchez, Matías; Andreu-Cervera, Abraham; Villa Carballar, Sergio; Echevarria, Diego
antifibrotic drugs.pdf.jpgMar-2022Antifibrotic drugs as therapeutic tools in resistant melanomaSanchez-Laorden, Berta; Nieto, M. Ángela
Apolipoprotein E imbalance in the cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer’s disease patients.pdf.jpg2-Nov-2022Apolipoprotein E imbalance in the cerebrospinal fluid of Alzheimer’s disease patients
Lennol, Matthew Paul; Sánchez Domínguez, Irene; Cuchillo‑Ibañez, Inmaculada; Camporesi, Elena; Brinkmalm, Gunnar; Alcolea, Daniel; Fortea, Juan; Lleó, Alberto; Soria, Guadalupe; Aguado, Fernando; Zetterberg, Henrik; Blennow, Kaj; Sáez-Valero, Javier
TESIS SF - Khalid Oudaha (1)_compressed.pdf.jpg10-Jun-2024Biophysical and pharmacological characterization of novel TRPM8 channel modulatorsOudaha, Khalid
Blood flow effects of percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation. A blinded, randomized clinical trial.pdf.jpg23-Aug-2023Blood flow effects of percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation. A blinded, randomized clinical trial
Viudes Sarrión, Nuria; Aleixandre-Carrera, Fernando; Beltrá López, Patricia; Ortega, Francisco Javier; Molina Payá, Francisco Javier; Velasco, Enrique; Delicado Miralles, Miguel
Purificación Ordás_compressed.pdf.jpg29-Jan-2020Caracterización de líneas transgénicas murinas para el canal iónico termosensible TRPM8: valoración funcional, expresión extraganglionar e identificación de nuevas dianas de inervaciónOrdás, Purificación
TESIS SF Nitin Narwade ._compressed.pdf.jpg13-Sep-2024Cell Plasticity Trajectories in Developmental and Pathological EMTsNarwade, Nitin
T. Selim Kotb, Mohamed Kotb.pdf.jpg2024Characterising White Matter Disruption in Alcohol Use Disorder: A Deep TMS Intervention StudySelim Kotb, Mohamed Kotb
T. Delicado Miralles, Miguel.pdf.jpg24-May-2024Contribución de los termorreceptores de frío de la superficie ocular al control del parpadeo espontáneoDelicado Miralles, Miguel
CSF-ApoER2 fragments as a read-out of reelin signaling Distinct patterns in sporadic and autosomal-dominant Alzheimer disease.pdf.jpg12-Dec-2018CSF-ApoER2 fragments as a read-out of reelin signaling: Distinct patterns in sporadic and autosomal-dominant Alzheimer disease
Lopez-Font, Inmaculada; Iborra Lázaro, Guillermo; Sánchez-Valle, Raquel; Molinuevo, José Luis; Cuchillo-Ibañez, Inmaculada; Sáez-Valero, Javier
Deciphering the Action of Perfluorohexyloctane Eye Drops to Reduce Ocular Discomfort and Pain..pdf.jpg26-Oct-2021Deciphering the Action of Perfluorohexyloctane Eye Drops to Reduce Ocular Discomfort and Pain
Delicado Miralles, Miguel; Velasco Serna, Enrique; Díaz-Tahoces, Ariadna; Gallar, Juana; Acosta, Mª Carmen; Aracil Marco, Adolfo
Decreased generation of C-terminal fragments of ApoER2 and increased reelin expression in Alzheimer's disease.pdf.jpg9-Feb-2018Decreased generation of C-terminal fragments of ApoER2 and increased reelin expression in Alzheimer’s disease
Mata-Balaguer, Trinidad; Cuchillo-Ibañez, Inmaculada; Calero, Miguel; Ferrer, Isidro; Sáez-Valero, Javier
TESIS - Sergio Molina Rodriguez_compressed.pdf.jpg17-Jul-2013Design and validation of an fNIRS system to assess functional activity of the prefrontal cortexMolina Rodríguez, Sergio
Developmental alterations of the septohippocampal cholinergic projection in a lissencephalic mouse model.pdf.jpgJun-2015Developmental alterations of the septohippocampal cholinergic projection in a lissencephalic mouse model
García López, Raquel; Pombero, Ana; Domínguez, Eduardo; Geijo Barrientos, Emilio; Martínez, Salvador
Developmental guidance of the retroflex tract at its bending point involves Robo1-Slit2-mediated floor plate repulsion.pdf.jpgJan-2016Developmental guidance of the retroflex tract at its bending point involves Robo1-Slit2-mediated floor plate repulsion
Moreno-Bravo, Juan Antonio; Martínez-López, Jesús E.; Madrigal Verdú, Pilar; Kim, Minkyung; Mastick, Grant S.; López-Bendito, Guillermina; Martinez, Salvador; Puelles, Eduardo
Developmental mechanisms and experimental models.pdf.jpg31-Jul-2006Developmental mechanisms and experimental models to understand forebrain malformative diseases
Pombero, Ana; Valdés, L.; Vieira, C.; Martínez, S.
Valverde Hernández Irene.pdf.jpgJun-2024Efectos de la ausencia del gen LIS1 en interneuronas parvalbúmina en el hipotálamo de ratónValverde Hernández, Irene