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16 2017 01 jast granadas fuzzy.pdf.jpg2017A Fuzzy Approach for Relating a Pomegranate Maturity Index with to Solar Net Radiation
Brotons, Jose M; Legua, P.; Melgarejo, P.; Manera, F.J.; Hernández, Francisca; Martínez, J.J.
08 2013 03 fuzzy lemon.pdf.jpgSep-2013A fuzzy approach to the loss of green colour in lemon (Citrus lemon L. Burm. f.) rind during ripening
Brotons, Jose M; Manera, Javier; Conesa, Agustín; Porras, Ignacio
A FUZZY DYNAMIC MODEL FOR TOTAL QUALITY COST.pdf.jpg2023A fuzzy dynamic model for total quality costSansalvador, Manuel E.; Brotons, Jose M
18 2017 04 kybernates quality.pdf.jpg13-Feb-2017A fuzzy model for the valuation of quality management systemBrotons, Jose M; Sansalvador, Manuel E.
06 2015 01 FSS MANRI s2.0-S0165011415000020.pdf.jpgJan-2015A fuzzy quality cost estimation methodBrotons, Jose M; Sansalvador, Manuel E.
07 2015 03 FSS TERCEÑO-s2.0-S0165011414003595-main.pdf.jpgAug-2014A new index for bond management in an uncertain environmentBrotons, Jose M; Antonio, Terceño; Barberà-Mariné, M. Glòria
A novel approach to improve the bank ranking process.pdf.jpgMay-2020A novel approach to improve the bank ranking process: an empirical study in SpainReig-Mullor, Javier; Brotons, Jose M; Sansalvador, Manuel E.
2023 BAYTE Cimexus_XVIII_2_2023.pdf.jpg2023Análisis bibliométrico sobre Residuos Peligrosos Biológico Infecciosos y Residuos Médicos en el periodo del 2000 al 2021NARES LARA, BAYTE; Chávez Rivera, Rubén; Brotons, Jose M
RUBIO PEÑALVER MIRIAM.pdf.jpgSep-2016Análisis económico-financiero del sector petroleroRubio Peñalver, Miriam
CAROTENOIDS LEMON SH.pdf.jpgAug-2018Changes in the content of chlorophylls and carotenoids in the rind of Fino 49 lemons during maturation and their relationship with parameters from the CIELAB color space
Conesa Martinez, Agustin; Manera Bassa, Francisco Javier; Brotons, Jose M; Fernández Zapata, Juan Carlos; Simón, I.; Simon Grao, Silvia; Alfonsea Simón, Marina; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Valverde, Juan Miguel; García-Sánchez, Francisco
13 2019 Cost benefit Tomato J. Agr Sci Tech. article-23-16418-en.pdf.jpg7-Mar-2019Cost-Benefit Analysis of Tomato Crops under Different Greenhouse Covers
López-Marín, J.; Rodríguez, M.; del Amor, F.M.; Gálvez, A.; Brotons, Jose M
04 2019 Cost benefit analysis of tamato.pdf.jpgJun-2019Cost–benefit analysis of tomato in soilless culture systems with saline water under greenhouse conditions
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Brotons, Jose M; Simón Grao, Silvia; Martinez Nicolas, Juan Jose; García-Sánchez, Francisco
J Sci Food Agric - 2019 - Cámara‐Zapata - Cost benefit analysis of tomato in soilless culture systems with saline water.pdf.jpgMay-2019Cost–benefit analysis of tomato in soilless culture systems with saline water under greenhouse conditions
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Brotons, Jose M; Simon Grao, Silvia; Martínez Nicolás, Juan José; García-Sánchez, Francisco
HUEDO FERNÁNDEZ JAVIER.pdf.jpgSep-2015La crisis española y sus consecuencias en las Cajas de AhorroHuedo Fernández, Javier
28 2013 02 HORTI4659 pomegranate.pdf.jpg4-Feb-2013Determination of a colour index for fruit of pomegranate varietal group “Mollar de Elche”
Manera, F.J.; Legua, P.; Melgarejo, P.; Brotons, Jose M; Hernández, Francisca; Martínez, J.J.
Development of a quantification model for the cost of loss of image with customer complaints.pdf.jpg2018Development of a quantification model for the cost of loss of image with customer complaintsSansalvador, Manuel E.; Brotons, Jose M
14 2018 01 outlook on agriculture mecanizacion.pdf.jpg8-Mar-2018Economic evaluation of mechanical harvesting of lemons
Brotons, Jose M; Martín-Gorriz, B.; Torregrosa, A.; Porras, I.
11 2021 JAST Effect of Photoselective Shading Nets on Productivity mdrsjrns-v23n5p961-en.pdf.jpg21-Dec-2021Effect of Photoselective Shading Nets on Productivity and Economic Viability in Pepper Crops
López-Marín, J.; Galvez, A.; del Amor, F.M.; Brotons, Jose M
05 2016 04 Mallas Cebas.pdf.jpgJul-2016Effects of shade screens and mulching on the color change of fruits from “Fino 49” lemon trees irrigated with water of different salinity or irrigation regimes
Simon Grao, Silvia; Simon, I.; Lidon, V.; Conesa, A.; Manera, J.; Brotons, Jose M; Martinez Nicolas, Juan Jose; Garcia-Sanchez, F.
172016ITEASombreo.pdf.jpg2016Estudio de la rentabilidad del cultivo de pimiento (Capsicum annuum) en invernadero con el uso de sombreo
López-Marín, Josefa; Porras, Ignacio; Ros Ibáñez, Caridad; Brotons, Jose M