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buildings-14-03440 (1).pdf.jpgoct-2024A Newly Bio-Based Material for the Construction Industry Using Gypsum Binder and Rice StrawWaste (Oryza sativa)
Martínez Gabarrón, Antonio; Montesinos Martínez, Miriam; Barreca, Francesco; Flores Yepes, Jose Antonio
1-s2.0-S0378517323001795-main.pdf.jpg18-feb-2023Access to the CNS: Strategies to overcome the BBB
Sánchez-Dengra, Bárbara; González Álvarez, Isabel; Bermejo, Marival; González Álvarez, Marta
2022.- Agronomy. Acoustic and Thermal.pdf.jpg2022Acoustic and Thermal Properties of Particleboards Made from Mulberry Wood (Morus alba L.) Pruning Residues
Ferrández-Villena, Manuel; FERRÁNDEZ, MARÍA TERESA; Garcia-Ortuño, Teresa; Ferrández García, Antonio
SERRANO_MORCILLO_MARTA.pdf.jpg21-may-2024Adherencia terapéutica en ancianos. Impacto en el sistema sanitario y su abordaje desde la farmacia comunitariaSerrano Morcillo, Marta
TFG - Ellie Marie Fagan.pdf.jpg21-may-2023Agua de mar y enfermedades inflamatorias de la piel: una revisión bibliográficaFagan, Ellie Marie
Puerta Martínez, Rosa María.pdf.jpg25-may-2021Análisis del beneficio clínico y coste económico de la individualización psicológica de tacrolimus en pacientes trasplantadosPuerta Martínez, Rosa María
tesis Rafael Muñoz Gómez.pdf.jpg23-abr-2015Análisis del suministro eléctrico, mejoras de los índices y niveles de calidad en la distribución de energía eléctricaMuñoz Gómez, Rafael
Analysis of Additives in Gypsum.pdf.jpg30-sep-2021Analysis of Additives in Gypsum Coatings Based on Melamine, Polycarbonate Salts, Polycarboxylate, and Polycarboxylic Acids
Flores Yepes, Jose Antonio; Serna Jara, Luis M.; Martínez Gabarrón, Antonio; Codes Alcaraz, Ana María; PASTOR PEREZ, Joaquin Julian
2021.- Agronomy. Analisys of the Manufacturing.pdf.jpg2022Analysis of the Manufacturing Variables of Binderless Panels Made of Leaves of Olive Tree (Olea europaea L.) PruningWaste
Ferrández-Villena, Manuel; FERRÁNDEZ, MARÍA TERESA; Ferrández García, Antonio; Garcia-Ortuño, Teresa; Mata Cabrera, Francisco
2020.- Polymers. Analysis of the Thermal.pdf.jpg2020Analysis of the Thermal Insulation and Fire-Resistance Capacity of Particleboards Made from Vine (Vitis vinifera L.) Prunings
Ferrández-Villena, Manuel; FERRÁNDEZ, MARÍA TERESA; Ferrandez-Garcia, Clara Eugenia; Ferrández García, Antonio; Garcia-Ortuño, Teresa
3 An In Vivo Predictive Dissolution Methodology (1).pdf.jpgabr-2021AnInVivoPredictive Dissolution Methodology (iPD Methodology) with a BCS Class IIb Drug Can Predict the In Vivo Bioequivalence Results: Etoricoxib Products
Gonzalez-Alvarez, Isabel; Bermejo, Marival; Tsume, Yasuhiro; Ruiz Picazo, Alejandro; Gonzalez-Alvarez, Marta; Hens, Bart; García Arieta, Alfredo; Amidon, Greg E.; Amidon, Gordon
1-s2.0-S0944711321001690-main.pdf.jpgjun-2021Antibacterial plant compounds, extracts and essential oils: An updated review on their effects and putative mechanisms of action
Álvarez-Martínez, Francisco Javier; Barrajón-Catalán, Enrique; Herranz-López, M.; Micol, Vicente
CDM-review Antimics Javi (1).pdf.jpgjul-2018Antimicrobial Capacity of Plant Polyphenols against Gram-positive Bacteria: A Comprehensive Review
Álvarez-Martínez, Francisco Javier; Barrajón-Catalán, Enrique; Encinar, José Antonio; Rodríguez Díaz, Juan Carlos; Micol, Vicente
ijms-20-02148-v2 (1) (1).pdf.jpgabr-2019Antioxidant and Photoprotective Activity of Apigenin and its Potassium Salt Derivative in Human Keratinocytes and Absorption in Caco-2 Cell Monolayers
Sánchez-Marzo, Noelia; Pérez Sánchez, Almudena; Ruiz Torres, Verónica; Martínez Tébar, Adrián; Castillo, Julián; Herranz López, María; Barrajón-Catalán, Enrique
Memoria TFG Gabriela Duque Francisco.pdf.jpg14-nov-2023Aplicación del Cannabidiol en afecciones dermatológicasDuque Francisco, Grabriela Carina
Ibañez Rodríguez, Mónica.pdf.jpg9-sep-2015Apoyo al estudio de investigación del comportamiento farmacocinético de fármacos antineoplásicos mediante administración intraperitoneal con hipertermia en un modelo experimental con rata WistarIbáñez Rodríguez, Mónica
antibiotics-12-00327(reducido=.pdf.jpgfeb-2023Artificial Intelligence Applied to Improve Scientific Reviews: The Antibacterial Activity of Cistus Plants as Proof of Concept
Álvarez-Martínez, Francisco Javier; Borras Rocher, Fernando; Micol, Vicente; Barrajón-Catalán, Enrique
2020.- Polymers. Assessment of the Physical.pdf.jpg2020Assessment of the Physical, Mechanical and Acoustic Properties of Arundo donax L. Biomass in Low Pressure and Temperature Particleboards
Ferrández-Villena, Manuel; Garcia-Ortuño, Teresa; FERRÁNDEZ, MARÍA TERESA; Ferrández García, Antonio; Ferrández García, Clara Eugenia
Guilló Robles, Andrea.pdf.jpg22-may-2024Avance terapéutico antirretroviral, la llegada del tratamiento inyectableGuilló Robles, Andrea
Science of the Total Environment  1-s2.0-S0048969721054073-main.pdf.jpgsep-2021Bacterial and fungal community dynamics during different stages of agro-industrial waste composting and its relationship with compost suppressiveness
Andreu Rodriguez, Francisco Javier; Hernández Lara, Alicia; Ros, Margarita; Cuartero Moñino, Jessica; Bustamante, Maria Angeles; Moral, Raul; Fernández, Juan A.; Egea-Gilabert, Catalina; Pascual, José Antonio