Artículos Patología y Cirugía 125

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 125
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Bibliometric Analysis of Research on the Use of the NHPT.pdf.jpg15-ago-2022Bibliometric Analysis of Research on the Use of the Nine Hole Peg TestMoreno-Morente, Gema; Hurtado-Pomares, Miriam; Terol Cantero, M Carmen
Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Telomere.pdf.jpg8-may-2020Bibliometric Analysis of Research on Telomere Length in Children: A Review of Scientific Literature
Valera-Gran, Desirée; Prieto Botella, Daniel; Peral-Gómez, Paula; Hurtado-Pomares, Miriam; Sánchez-Pérez, Alicia; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María
Spanish translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Box and Block Test.pdf.jpg24-sep-2024Spanish translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Box and Block Test: a pilot study in adults with chronic acquired brain injury
Noce, Maria Paula; Valera-Gran, Desirée; Hurtado-Pomares, Miriam; Serrano-Reina, Encarni; Soler Pons, Carlos; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María
2021 - Adaptation of the Spanish version of the Frontal Assessment Battery for detection of executive dysfunction.pdf.jpg9-sep-2020Adaptation of the Spanish version of the Frontal Assessment Battery for detection of executive dysfunction
Hurtado-Pomares, Miriam; Valera-Gran, Desirée; Sánchez-Pérez, Alicia; Peral-Gómez, Paula; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María; Terol Cantero, M Carmen
Refractive surgery.pdf.jpg22-may-2019Refractive surgery
Kim, Tae im; Alió del Barrio, Jorge; Wilkins, Mark; COCHENER, Beatrice; Ang, Marcus
Punctiform and Polychromatic Pre-Descemet.pdf.jpg19-nov-2019Punctiform and Polychromatic Pre-Descemet Corneal Dystrophy: Clinical Evaluation and Identification of the Genetic Basis
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; Chung, Doug; Al-Shymali, Olena; Barrington, Alice; Jatavallabhula, Kavya; Swamy, Vinay S.; Yébana, Pilar; Henríquez Recine, Maria Angelica; Boto-de-los-Bueis, Ana; Alió, Jorge L.; Aldave, Anthony
Corneal surgery in keratoconus.pdf.jpgene-2016Corneal surgery in keratoconus: which type, which technique, which outcomes?Arnalich-Montiel, Francisco; Alió del Barrio, Jorge; Alió, Jorge
Corneal stromal thickness changes after.pdf.jpg21-jul-2021Corneal stromal thickness changes after myopic laser corneal refractive surgery
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; FEBOS-CR; Cantó-Cerdan, Mario; El Bahrawy, Mohamed; Casanova, Laura; Cavas, Francisco; Alió, Jorge L.
Biointegration of corneal macroporous membranes based on.pdf.jpg18-jun-2014Biointegration of corneal macroporous membranes based on poly(ethyl acrylate) copolymers in an experimental animal model
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; Chiesa, Massimo; Gallego-Ferrer, Gloria; Garagorri, Nerea; Briz, Nerea; Fernandez-Delgado, Jorge; Sancho-Tello Valls, María; Carda Botella, Carmen; García - Tuñón, Ignacio; Bataille, Laurent; Rodríguez, Alejandra; Arnalich-Montiel, Francisco; Gómez Ribelles, José L.; Antolinos-Turpín, Carmen M; G ómez-Tejedor, José A.
Regenerative Surgery of the Corneal Stroma for.pdf.jpg6-feb-2019Regenerative Surgery of the Corneal Stroma for Advanced Keratoconus: 1-Year Outcomes
Alió, Jorge L.; Alió del Barrio, Jorge; El Zarif, Mona; Zaar, Albert; Makdissy, Nehman; Abi Khalil, Charbel; Harb, Walid; El Achkar, Ibrahim; Jawad, Ziad Abdul; De Miguel, María P.
Corneal Stroma Enhancement With.pdf.jpg26-oct-2017Corneal Stroma Enhancement With Decellularized Stromal Laminas With or Without Stem Cell Recellularization for Advanced Keratoconus
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; El Zarif, Mona; Azaar, Albert; Makdissy, Nehman; KHALIL, Charbel; Harb, Walid; El Achkar, Ibrahim; Jawad, Ziab Abdul; De Miguel, María P.; Alió, Jorge L.
Cellular Therapy With Human Autologous Adipose-Derived.PDF.jpg16-mar-2017Cellular Therapy With Human Autologous Adipose-Derived Adult Stem Cells for Advanced Keratoconus
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; El Zarif, Mona; de Miguel, María P.; Azaar, Albert; Makdissy, Norman; Harb, Walid; El Achkar, Ibrahim; Arnalich, Francisco; Alió, Jorge L.
Early postoperative response of cytokines in liver transplant recipients.pdf.jpg2006Early postoperative response of cytokines in liver transplant recipients
Hassan, L.; Bueno, P.; Ferrón-Celma, I.; Ramia, Jose M; Garrote, D.; Muffak, K.; Barrera, L.; Villar, J. M.; García-Navarro, A.; Mansilla, A.; GOMEZ-BRAVO, MIGUEL A.; Bernardos, A.; Ferrón, J. A.
A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials Assessing Sexuality in.pdf.jpg10-abr-2021A Systematic Review of Clinical Trials Assessing Sexuality in Hysterectomized Patients
MARTINESZ CAYUELAS, LAURA; Sarrió-Sanz, Pau; Palazón-Bru, Antonio; Verdú-Verdú, Lidia; López-López, Ana; Gil-Guillén, Vicente Francisco; Romero-Maroto, Jesús; Gómez-Pérez, Luis
Influence of Age in SMILE outcomes (BJO).pdf.jpg18-nov-2020Influence of age on small incision lenticule extraction outcomes
Primavera, Laura; Cantó-Cerdan, Mario; Alio, Jorge; Alió del Barrio, Jorge
Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Under.pdf.jpgene-2020Descemet Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty Under Failed Penetrating Keratoplasty Without Host Descemetorhexis for the Management of Secondary Graft Failure
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; Montesel, Andrea; Ho, Vivian; Bhogal, Maninder
Do the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Tests That Are Ordered in Clinical Practice Adhere to the Pertinent Guidelines.pdf.jpg16-jun-2021Do the Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) Tests That Are Ordered in Clinical Practice Adhere to the Pertinent Guidelines?
Bernal-Soriano, Mari Carmen; Parker, Lucy Anne; López-Garrigós, Maite; Hernández-Aguado, Ildefonso; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Caballero-Romeu, Juan-Pablo; Pastor-Valero, Maria; García, Nuria; Alfayate-Guerra, Rocío; Lumbreras, Blanca
Acellular human corneal matrix sheets seeded with human.pdf.jpgmar-2015Acellular human corneal matrix sheets seeded with human adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells integrate functionally in an experimental animal model
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; Chiesa, Massimo; Garagorri, Nerea; Garcia-Urquia, Nerea; Fernandez-Delgado, Jorge; Bataille, Laurent; Rodriguez, Alejandra; Arnalich-Montiel, Francisco; Zarnowski, Tomasz; Alvarez de Toledo, Juan P.; Alio, Jorge L.; De Miguel, Maria P.
2020 Could Training in an Anatomical Model Be Useful to.pdf.jpg9-oct-2020Could Training in an Anatomical Model Be Useful to Teach Di erent Neovagina Surgical Techniques? A Descriptive Study about Knowledge and Experience of Techniques for Neovagina Surgery
Sanchez-Ferrer, María Luísa; Grimbizis, Grigoris; Nisolle, Michelle; Salmeron-González, Enrique; Gómez-Pérez, Luis; Sánchez del Campo, Francisco; Acién, Maribel
Evolution of corneal thickness and optical density after.pdf.jpg6-sep-2020Evolution of corneal thickness and optical density after laser in situ keratomileusis versus small incision lenticule extraction for myopia correction
Alió del Barrio, Jorge; Parafita-Fernández, Alberto; Canto-Cerdan, Mario; Alio, Jorge
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 20 de 125