Artículos Farmacología, Pediatría y Química Orgánica 76

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 76
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Personality and psychiatric disorders in chronic pain male affected.pdf.jpgmay-2020Personality and psychiatric disorders in chronic pain male affected by erectile dysfunction: prospective and observational study
Ajo Ferrer, Raquel; Inda, Maria del Mar; Mateu, Margarita; Segura, Ana; Ballester, Purificación; Muriel, Javier; Sellers, Rafael; Ferrández, Guillermina; Margarit, César; Peiró, Ana
Introducing sexual dysfunction in mental care.pdf.jpgdic-2020Introducing sexual dysfunction in mental care
Gombert, Marie; Ballester, Purificación; Segura, Ana; Peiró, Ana
Sleep in autism A biomolecular approach to aetiology and treatment.pdf.jpgjul-2020Sleep in autism: A biomolecular approach to aetiology and treatment
Ballester, Purificación; Richdale, A.L.; Baker, E.K.; Peiró, Ana
Personalized medicine into health national.pdf.jpg19-dic-2018Personalized medicine into health national services: barriers and potentialities
Rodríguez-Vicente, Ana E; Herrero Cervera, Maria José; Bernal, María Luisa; Rojas, Luis; Peiró, Ana
Multimorbidity and psychotropic polypharmacy among participants with.pdf.jpgjul-2020Multimorbidity and psychotropic polypharmacy among participants with autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability
Espadas, Cristina; Ballester, Purificación; Londoño, Ana Carolina; Almenara, Susana; Aguilar, Víctor; Belda, César; Pérez, Enrique; Peiró, Ana
Effect of Cytochrome P450 and ABCB1 Polymorphisms on Imatinib.pdf.jpgmay-2020Effect of Cytochrome P450 and ABCB1 Polymorphisms on Imatinib Pharmacokinetics After Single-Dose Administration to Healthy Subjects
Pena, María de los Ángeles; Muriel, Javier; Saiz Rodríguez, Miriam; Borobia, Alberto M.; Abad-Santos, Francisco; Frías, Jesús; Peiró, Ana
β2‑adrenergic receptor functionality and genotype in two different models of chronic inflammatory disease Liver cirrhosis and osteoarthritis.pdf.jpgjun-2018β2‑adrenergic receptor functionality and genotype in two different models of chronic inflammatory disease: Liver cirrhosis and osteoarthritis
ROCA, REYES; ESTEBAN, PABLO; Zapater, Pedro; Inda, María del Mar; CONTE, LUCIA; Gómez-Escolar, Laura ; MARTÍNEZ, HELENA; Horga, José Francisco; PALAZON, JOSÉ M.; Peiró, Ana
Sex Bias and Genotype Influence on Opioid.pdf.jpgjul-2020Sex Bias and Genotype Influence on Opioid Safety Profile in Chronic Low Back Pain
Margarit, César; Roca, Reyes; Inda, María del Mar; Muriel, Javier; Ballester, Purificación; Flor, Andrea; Morales, Domingo; Peiró, Ana
Impact of CYP2D6 genotype on opioid use disorder deprescription an observational prospective study in chronic pain with sex-differences.pdf.jpg2023Impact of CYP2D6 genotype on opioid use disorder deprescription: an observational prospective study in chronic pain with sex-differences
Muriel, Javier; Barrachina, Jordi; Del Barco, Guillermo; Carvajal, Cristian; Escorial, Mónica; Margarit, César; Ballester, Purificación; Peiró, Ana María
Pharmacogenetic Guided Opioid Therapy Improves Chronic.pdf.jpg2023Pharmacogenetic Guided Opioid Therapy Improves Chronic Pain Outcomes and Comorbid Mental Health: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Controlled Study
Agulló, Laura; Aguado, Isidro; Muriel, Javier; Margarit, César; Gómez, Alba; Escorial, Mónica; Sánchez, Astrid; Fernández, Alicia; Peiró, Ana
Sex-Differences in Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Management.pdf.jpg2022Sex-Differences in Pain and Opioid Use Disorder Management: A Cross-Sectional Real-World Study
Escorial, Mónica; Muriel, Javier; César, Margarit; Laura, Agulló; Domingo, Morales; Peiró, Ana
Oxycodonenaloxone.naxolone  versus tapentadol in real world chronic non‑cancer pain.pdf.jpg2022Oxycodone/naloxone versus tapentadol in real‑world chronic non‑cancer pain management: an observational and pharmacogenetic study
Barrachina, Jordi; Margarit, Cesar; Muriel, Javier; López‑Gil, Santiago; López Gil, Vicente; Vara-González, Amaya; Planelles, Beatriz; Inda, María del Mar; Morales, Domingo; Peiró, Ana María
Pharmacogenetics and prediction of adverse events in.pdf.jpg2018Pharmacogenetics and prediction of adverse events in prescription opioid use disorder patients
Muriel, Javier; Margarit, César; Barrachina, Jordi; Ballester, Purificación; Flor, Andrea; Morales, Domingo; Horga, José F.; Fernández, Eduardo; Peiró, Ana
OPRM1 influence on and effectiveness of an individualized.pdf.jpg2018OPRM1 influence on and effectiveness of an individualized treatment plan for prescription opioid use disorder patients
Muriel, Javier; Margarit, César; Planelles, Beatriz; Serralta, María J.; Puga, Carmen; Inda, María del Mar; Cutillas, Esperanza; Morales, Domingo; Horga, José F.
Directly Linked Zinc Phthalocyanine–Perylenediimide Dyads and a.pdf.jpg2019Directly Linked Zinc Phthalocyanine–Perylenediimide Dyads and a Triad for Ultrafast Charge Separation
Zink Lorre, Nathalie; Font-Sanchis, Enrique; Seetharaman, Sairaman; Karr, Paul A.; Sastre-Santos, Ángela; D’Souza, Francis; Fernández Lázaro, Fernando
Diels–Alder reaction on perylenediimides.pdf.jpg2019Diels–Alder reaction on perylenediimides: synthesis and theoretical study of core-expanded diimides
Zink Lorre, Nathalie; Doncel-Giménez, Azahara; Font-Sanchis, Enrique; Calbo, Joaquín; Sastre-Santos, Ángela; Ortí, Enrique; Fernández-Lázaro, Fernando
Effect of Different Substitutions at the 1,7-Bay Positions of.pdf.jpg2023Effect of Different Substitutions at the 1,7-Bay Positions of Perylenediimide Dyes on Their Optical and Laser Properties
Zink Lorre, Nathalie; Ramírez, Manuel G.; Pla, Sara; Boj, Pedro G.; Quintana, José A.; Villalvilla, José M.; Sastre-Santos, Ángela; Fernández Lázaro, Fernando; Díaz-García, María A.
Effect of Substituents at Imide Positions on the Laser Performance.pdf.jpg2021Effect of Substituents at Imide Positions on the Laser Performance of 1,7-Bay-Substituted Perylenediimide Dyes
Muñoz-Mármol, Rafael; Boj, Pedro G.; Villalvilla, José M.; Quintana, José A.; Zink Lorre, Nathalie; Sastre-Santos, Ángela; Aragó, Juan; Ortí, Enrique; Baronas, Paulius; Litvinas, Džiugas; Jursenas, Saulius; Fernández Lázaro, Fernando; Díaz-García, María A.
Influence of substituents of Perylenebisimides on the surface energy and.pdf.jpg2022Influence of substituents of Perylenebisimides on the surface energy and wettability: A systematic structure–property relationship analysis
Pérez-Ojeda, M.Eugenia; Zink Lorre, Nathalie; Pla, Sara; Sastre-Santos, Ángela; Fernández Lázaro, Fernando; Hirsch, Andreas
Quadrupolar Ultrafast Charge Transfer in.pdf.jpg2022Quadrupolar Ultrafast Charge Transfer in Diaminoazobenzene-Bridged Perylenediimide Triads
Seetharaman, Sairaman; Zink Lorre, Nathalie; Gutiérrez Moreno, David; Karr, Paul A.; Fenández-Lázaro, Fernando; D’Souza, Francis
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 41 a 60 de 76