Ponencias y comunicaciones 7

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Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 7 de 7
Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)Acceso
15. Performance Studio of Multicast Video Streaming Using SRMSH.pdf.jpg24-oct-2005Performance studio of multicast video streaming using SRMSHMartinez Bonastre, Oscar; Palau, Carlos E.
14. A collaborative mobile architecture for multicast live-streaming social networks.pdf.jpg18-ago-2009A collaborative mobile architecture for multicast live-streaming social networksMartinez Bonastre, Oscar; Palau, Carlos E.
11. iTETRIS-Adaptation of ITS Technologies for Large Scale Integrated Simulation.pdf.jpg24-jun-2010iTETRIS: Adaptation of ITS Technologies for Large Scale Integrated Simulation
Kumar, Vineet; Krajzewicz, Daniel; Hrizi, Fatma; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar; Gozalvez, Javier; Bauza, Ramon
10. Promoting game theory techniques for targeted advertisements for Social TV business models.pdf.jpgene-2011Promoting game theory techniques for targeted advertisements for Social TV business models
Martinez Bonastre, Oscar; Sanchez-Soriano, Joaquin; Neville, Stephen A.; Lopez, Francisco
4. Stabilizing Chaotic Behavior of RED.pdf.jpg8-nov-2018Stabilizing Chaotic Behavior of RED
Duran, Guilem; Valero, Jose; AMIGO, JOSE M.; Giménez, Ángel; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar
Dynamic Generation of Revenue through the insertion of advertisements into video contents.pdf.jpg10-feb-2022Dynamic Generation of Revenue through the insertion of advertisements into video contentsNavarrete, Francisco; Sanchez-Soriano, Joaquin; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar
2018-BifurcationAnalysisForTheInternetCongestion.pdf.jpg2019Bifurcation analysis for the Internet congestions
Duran Ballester, Guillem; Valero, Jose; AMIGO, JOSE M.; Giménez, Ángel; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar
Elementos (mostrados por Fecha de envío en Descendente orden): 1 a 7 de 7