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La cátedra Misteri d'Elx de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche: acciones de salvaguardia de la Festa o Misteri d´Elx


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Título :
La cátedra Misteri d'Elx de la Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche: acciones de salvaguardia de la Festa o Misteri d´Elx
Autor :
Serrano Segarra, María  
Editor :
Asociación española de Museólogos
Departamentos de la UMH::Ciencia Jurídica
Fecha de publicación:
Resumen :
The University Reform Lawof1983 (LRU) was a pioneer in the modemtsation ofthe Spanish University with the aim of transforming it and adaptlng it to the new social demands, takfng as a reference the módel of the European University, an institution in which higher education and research already converged. The tum of the century also brought about a new vision of what "the University would be in the future, together with the raising of new questlons. Under these designs. the creation of the Misteri d'Elx Chair was approved. The agreement highlights that the Miguel Hemández University, since its creation, has tried to integrate itself in the sodety of Elche, promoting its economic and industrial activity and partidpating actively in its social and cultural Hfe. This interest has led the University to concern itself with the most representative cultura! manifestations of the city and worthy of recognition as World Heritage, among which the Festa or Misterl d'Elx undoubtedly stands out. The creation of the Misteri d'Elx tnstitutionat Chair by the Miguel Hernández University, which safeguards and disseminates the Misteri d'Elx from the field of scientific research and through university dissemination actions. is a response to this concem. Through other formutas that do not always coincide, the universities protect other Spanish assets that are also recognfsed as intangible culturat heritage by the United Nations Educational. Scientific and Cuttural Organisation (UNESCO). Specifically, the Mlsteri d'Elx Chair carríes out its activities through a wide range of training, research and dissemination activities on the Místeri d'E/x.
Palabras clave/Materias:
Misteri d´Elx
cátedra institucional
investigación científica
Área de conocimiento :
CDU: Ciencias sociales: Derecho
Tipo de documento :
Derechos de acceso:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Aparece en las colecciones:
Artículos Ciencia Jurídica

Creative Commons La licencia se describe como: Atribución-NonComercial-NoDerivada 4.0 Internacional.