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5GNR_CG_NS3_LarrañagaLucas.pdf.jpg27-Apr-20225G NR Configured Grant in ns-3 Network Simulator for Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications
Larrañaga, Ana; Lucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Martinez, Imanol; Gozalvez, Javier
IEEE_Access_March_2023.pdf.jpgMar-2023A New Family of Reconfigurable Waveguide Filters and Diplexers for High-Power Applications
Melgarejo Lermas, Juan Carlos; Ossorio García, Javier; Cogollos, Santiago; San-Blas, Angel-Antonio
IEEE_TMT_2020.pdf.jpgAug-2020Design Procedure for Band-Pass Filters based on Integrated Coaxial and Rectangular Waveguide Resonators
San-Blas, Angel-Antonio; Guglielmi, Marco; Melgarejo, Juan Carlos; Coves, Angela; Boria, Vicente E.
Electronics_2021.pdf.jpgMar-2021On the Accurate Numerical Analysis of the Propagation Through Dielectric Frequency-Selective Surfaces Using a Vectorial Modal MethodCoves, Angela; San-Blas, Angel-Antonio
TVT2023_LucasColl_Latency Model 5G NR V2N2V (2).pdf.jpgSep-2022An Analytical Latency Model and Evaluation of the Capacity of 5G NR to Support V2X Services Using V2N2V Communications
Lucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Coll-Perales, Baldomero; Shimizu, Takayuki; Gozalvez, Javier; Higuchi, Takamasa; Avedisov, Sergei; Altintas, Onur; Sepulcre, Miguel
EuMC2024_San_Blas (1).pdf.jpg2024Design Procedure for Waveguide Combline Filters Based on Flat Metallic Strips
San-Blas, Angel-Antonio; García Jiménez, Raúl; Coves, Angela; Guglielmi, Marco; Boria, Vicente; Sanchez-Soriano, Miguel Angel
Uwicore_ISDA2015_Energy Benefits of Opportunistic Device-Centric Wireless Networks.pdf.jpg2015Energy benefits of opportunistic device-centric wireless networksColl-Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier
ISWCS2014_Link_Aware_Opportunistic_D2D_Communications.pdf.jpg2014Link-aware opportunistic D2D communications: Open source test-bed and experimental insights into their energy, capacity and QoS benefitsMoraleda-Soler, Alejandro; Coll-Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier
Uwicore_WD2010_An IEEE 80211 MAC Software Defined Radio Implementation for Experimental Wireless Communications and Networking Research.pdf.jpg2010An IEEE 802.11 MAC Software Defined Radio implementation for experimental wireless communications and networking researchGutierrez-Agullo, Juan R.; Coll-Perales, Baldomero
uwicore_ISWCS2011_On the Capability of Multi-hop Cellular Networks with Mobile Relays to Improve Handover Performance.pdf.jpg2011On the capability of multi-hop cellular networks with mobile relays to improve handover performanceColl-Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier