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Resultados 11-20 de 21.
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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)Acceso
Evaluation of polyphenol bioaccessibility and kinetic of starch.pdf.jpg29-sep-2020Evaluation of polyphenol bioaccessibility and kinetic of starch digestion of spaghetti with persimmon (Dyospyros kaki) flours coproducts during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion
Lucas González, Raquel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Moscaritolo, Salvatore; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; SACCHETTI, Giampiero; Viuda-Martos, Manuel
11-978-3-031-34111-3_42 (1).pdf.jpgjun-2023Analysis of Data Augmentation Techniques for Mobile Robots Localization by Means of Convolutional Neural Networks
Céspedes, Orlando Jose; Cebollada, Sergio; Cabrera, Juan José; Reinoso, Oscar; Paya, Luis
Quinoa and chia products as ingredients...pdf.jpg4-jul-2020Quinoa and chia products as ingredients for healthier processed meat products: technological strategies for their application and effects on the final productFernandez-Lopez, Juana; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel
15-s2.0-S0094114X2300174X-main (1).pdf.jpgmay-2023Locking underactuated robots by shrinking their manifolds of free-swinging motion
Peidro, Adrian; Perez Navarro, Pedro David; Puerto, Rafael; Paya, Luis
Satiety from healthier and functional foods.pdf.jpg27-may-2021Satiety from healthier and functional foods
Sichetti Munekata, Paulo Eduardo; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Pateiro, Mirian; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Lorenzo, José M.
Effect of probiotic Lactiplantibacillus...pdf.jpg7-nov-2021Effect of probiotic Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and chestnut flour (Castanea sativa mill) on microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of dry-cured sausages during storage
Sirini, Noelí Estefanía; Lucas González, Raquel; Fernandez-Lopez, Juana; Viuda-Martos, Manuel; Pérez-Alvarez, José Angel; Frizzo, Laureano; Signorini, Marcelo; Zbrun, María Virginia; Rosmini, Marcelo
s11227-022-04764-1.pdf.jpg3-sep-2022On the use of deep learning and parallelism techniques to significantly reduce the HEVC intra-coding time
Galiano, Vicente; Migallon, Hector; Martínez-Rach, Miguel Onofre; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Malumbres, Manuel P
Psychometric properties of the Clarke questionnaire.pdf.jpg2022Psychometric properties of the Clarke questionnaire for hypoglycemia awareness in the Spanish population with type 2 diabetes
Orozco-Beltrán, Domingo; Moreno-Perez, Oscar; Quesada, Jose A.; Lecumberri-Pascual, Edurne; Ruiz-Quintero, Manuel A.; Pomares-Gomez, Francisco J.; Jodar-Gimeno, Esteban; Pardo-Ruiz, Carlos; Mascarell-Martínez, Isabel; Mirete-López, Rosa M.; Caride-Miana, Elena; Fernández-Giménez, Antonio; López-Pineda, Adriana; Nouni-García, Rauf; Carratala-Munuera, Concepcion; Cebrián-Cuenca, Ana M.
PIIS0167527319338616.pdf.jpg1-feb-2020Reply to “Controversies in screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm”Izquierdo González, Ricardo; Segura-Heras, José Vicente
s10653-023-01486-y.pdf.jpg7-feb-2023Environmental factors influencing DDT–DDE spatial distribution in an agricultural drainage system determined by using machine learning techniques
Melendez-Pastor, Ignacio; López Granado, Otoniel Mario; Navarro-Pedreño, Jose; Hernández, Encarni I.; Jordán-Vidal, Manuel Miguel; Gómez Lucas, Ignacio