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Resultados 21-30 de 126.
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Stress estimation by the prefrontal cortex asymmetry-Study on fNIRS signals.pdf.jpg15-mar-2023Stress estimation by the prefrontal cortex asymmetry: Study on fNIRS signals
Molina Rodríguez, Sergio; Hidalgo Muñoz, Antonio R.; Ibáñez Ballesteros, Joaquín; Tabernero, Carmen
2023 Fuertes - Effectos of HIIT on vascular function in CVD.pdf.jpg17-jul-2023Effects of high-intensity interval training on vascular function in patients with cardiovascular disease: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Fuertes kenneally, Laura ; Blasco Peris, Carles Andreu; Casanova-Lizón, Antonio; Baladzhaeva, Sabina; Climent, Vicente; Sarabia, José M.; Manresa Rocamora, Agustin
7. 2023_OPTICS_EXPRESS_Q2.pdf.jpg27-mar-2023ASE recirculation effects in pulsed frequency shifted feedback lasers at large frequency shifts
Cuenca, Miguel; Maestre, Haroldo; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; guillet de chatellus, hugues; Fernandez-Pousa, Carlos
2023 Fuertes - Optimal Dose of exercise on endothelial function in HF.pdf.jpg4-feb-2023Effects and Optimal Dose of Exercise on Endothelial Function in Patients with Heart Failure: A Systematic Review and Meta‑Analysis
Fuertes kenneally, Laura ; Manresa Rocamora, Agustin; Blasco Peris, Carles Andreu; Ribeiro, Fernando; Sempere Ruiz, Noemí; Sarabia, José M.; Climent, Vicente
Occurence virus cucurbit in Spain. 2023. Pathogen.pdf.jpg7-mar-2023Occurrence, Distribution, and Management of Aphid-Transmitted Viruses in Cucurbits in SpainDe Moya Ruiz, Celia; Gómez López, Pedro; Juárez Gómez, Miguel
Long-Term Monitoring of Aphid-Transmitted Viruses in Melon and Zucchini Crops.. 2023 Phytoptahology .pdf.jpg2023Long-Term Monitoring of Aphid-Transmitted Viruses in Melon and Zucchini Crops: Genetic Diversity and Population Struct of Cucurbit Aphid-Borne Yellows Virus and Watermelos Mosaic VirusRabadán Manzanera, María Pilar; Juárez Gómez, Miguel; Gómez López, Pedro
Microenvironmental.pdf.jpg2023Microenvironmental Snail1-induced immunosuppression promotes melanoma growth
Arumí Planas, Marta; Rodríguez Baena, Francisco Javier; Cabello-Torres, Francisco; Gracia, Francisco; López-Blau, Cristina; Nieto, Ángela M.; Sanchez-Laorden, Berta
A FUZZY DYNAMIC MODEL FOR TOTAL QUALITY COST.pdf.jpg2023A fuzzy dynamic model for total quality costSansalvador, Manuel E.; Brotons, José M.
Metabolic rewiring induced by ranolazine.pdf.jpg10-ago-2023Metabolic rewiring induced by ranolazine improves melanoma responses to targeted therapy and immunotherapy
Redondo-Muñoz, Marta; Rodríguez Baena, Francisco Javier; Aldaz, Paula; Caballé-Mestres, Adrià; Moncho-Amor, Verónica; Otaegi-Ugartemendia, Maddalen; Carrasco García, Estefanía; Olias Arjona, Ana; Lasheras-Otero, Irene; Santamaria, Eva; Bocanegra, Ana; Chocarro, Luisa; Grier, Abby; Dzieciatkowska M, Monika; Bigas, Claudia; Martin, Josefina; Urdiroz-Urricelqui, Uxue; Marzo, Florencio; SANTAMARIA, ENRIQUE; Kochan, Grazyna; Escors, David; Larrayoz, Ignacio M; Heyn, Holger; D’Alessandro, Angelo; Stephan-Otto Attolini, Camille; matheu, ander; Wellbrock, Claudia; Aznar Benitah, Salvador; Sanchez-Laorden, Berta; Arozarena, Imanol
ijms-24-11687.pdf.jpg13-jul-2023Investigation of the Effects of Metallic Nanoparticles on Fertility Outcomes and Endocrine Modification of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis
SOGORB, MIGUEL A; Candela, Héctor; Jorge, Estévez; Vilanova, Eugenio