Artículos Histología y anatomía 39

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 39 of 39
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Non-proliferative neurogenesis in.pdf.jpg2-Dec-2019Non-proliferative neurogenesis in human periodontal ligament stem cellsBueno, Carlos; Martinez Morga, Marta; Martínez, Salvador
Early cellular and synaptic changes in dopaminoceptive forebrain regions of juvenile mice following gestational exposure to valproate.pdf.jpg3-Aug-2023Early cellular and synaptic changes in dopaminoceptive forebrain regions of juvenile mice following gestational exposure to valproate
Finszter, Cintia Klaudia; Kemecsei, Róbert Gergely; Zachar, Gergely; Holtkamp, Sophie; Echevarria, Diego; Adorján, István; Ádám, Ágota; Csillag, András
Secretagogin expression in the vertebrate brainstem with focus.pdf.jpg29-May-2019Secretagogin expression in the vertebrate brainstem with focus on the noradrenergic system and implications for Alzheimer’s disease
Zahola, Péter; Hanics, János; Pintér, Anna; Máte, Zoltán; Gáspárdy, Anna; Hevesi, Zsófia; Echevarria, Diego; Adori, Csaba; Barde, Swapnali; Törőcsik, Beáta; Erdélyi, Ferenc; Szabó, Gábor; Wagner, Ludwig; Kovacs, Gabor G.; Hökfelt, Tomas; Harkany, Tibor; Alpár, Alán
Expression analysis of Sulf1 in the chick forebrain at early and late stages of development.pdf.jpg3-Aug-2009Expression analysis of Sulf1 in the chick forebrain at early and late stages of developmentGarcia-Lopez, Raquel; SOULA, Cathy; Martínez, Salvador
Positional regulation of Pax2 expression pattern in mesencephalic and diencephalic alar plate.pdf.jpg14-Nov-2005Positional regulation of Pax2 expression pattern in mesencephalic and diencephalic alar plateVieira, Claudia; Garcia-Lopez, Raquel; Martínez, Salvador
An Update on the Molecular Mechanism of the Vertebrate Isthmic Organizer Development in the Context of the Neuromeric Model.pdf.jpg24-Mar-2022An Update on the Molecular Mechanism of the Vertebrate Isthmic Organizer Development in the Context of the Neuromeric Model
Hidalgo-Sánchez, Matías; Andreu-Cervera, Abraham; Villa Carballar, Sergio; Echevarria, Diego
31-Dec-2003Fate map of the diencephalon and the zona limitans at the 10-somites stage in chick embryos
Garcia-Lopez, Raquel; Vieira, Claudia; Echevarria, Diego; Martinez, Salvador
Neuronal progenitors of the dentate gyrus express the SARS‐CoV‐2 cell.pdf.jpg7-May-2023Neuronal progenitors of the dentate gyrus express the SARS‑CoV‑2 cell receptor during migration in the developing human hippocampus
Hernandez‑Lopez, José Manuel; Hernandez‑Medina, Cristina; Medina‑Corvalan, Cristina; Rodenas, Mónica; Almagro, Francisca; Perez‑Garcia, Claudia; Echevarría, Diego; Carratalá, Francisco; Geijo-Barrientos, Emilio; Salvador, Martínez
Stria medullaris innervation follows the transcriptomic division of the habenula.pdf.jpg16-Jun-2022Stria medullaris innervation follows the transcriptomic division of the habenula
Juárez Leal, Iris; Carretero Rodríguez, Estefanía; Almagro-García, Francisca; Martínez, Salvador; Echevarría, Diego; Puelles, Eduardo
Oligodendrocyte precursors originate in the parabasal band of the basal plate in prosomere 1 and migrate into the alar prosencephalon during chick development.pdf.jpg26-May-2010Oligodendrocyte precursors originate in the parabasal band of the basal plate in prosomere 1 and migrate into the alar prosencephalon during chick developmentGarcia-Lopez, Raquel; Martinez, Salvador
The a2-Subunit of the Nicotinic Cholinergic Receptor Is Speciafically Expressed in Medial Subpallium Derived of Mammalian Amygdala.pdf.jpgJan-2015The a2-Subunit of the Nicotinic Cholinergic Receptor Is Specifically Expressed in Medial Subpallium-Derived Cells of Mammalian AmygdalaPombero, Ana; Martínez, Salvador
Telencephalic Morphogenesis during the Process of Neurulation.pdf.jpg2-Nov-2008Telencephalic Morphogenesis during the Process of Neurulation: An Experimental Study Using Quail–Chick ChimerasPombero, Ana; Martínez, Salvador
Pallial origin of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of Meynert and horizontal limb of the diagonal band nucleus.pdf.jpgJul-2011Pallial origin of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of Meynert and horizontal limb of the diagonal band nucleus
Pombero, Ana; Bueno, Carlos; Saglietti, Laura; Ródenas, Mónica; GUIMERA, JORDI; Martínez, Salvador
Molecular mechanisms controlling brain development.pdf.jpg2009Molecular mechanisms controlling brain development: an overview of neuroepithelial secondary organizers
Vieira, Claudia; Pombero, Ana; García López, Raquel; Gimeno, Lourdes; Echevarria, Diego; Martínez, Salvador
Fate map of the chick embryo neural tube.pdf.jpg20-Jan-2009Fate map of the chick embryo neural tubeGarcía López, Raquel; Pombero, Ana; Martínez, Salvador
Developmental mechanisms and experimental models.pdf.jpg31-Jul-2006Developmental mechanisms and experimental models to understand forebrain malformative diseases
Pombero, Ana; Valdés, L.; Vieira, C.; Martínez, S.
Developmental alterations of the septohippocampal cholinergic projection in a lissencephalic mouse model.pdf.jpgJun-2015Developmental alterations of the septohippocampal cholinergic projection in a lissencephalic mouse model
García López, Raquel; Pombero, Ana; Domínguez, Eduardo; Geijo Barrientos, Emilio; Martínez, Salvador
A high resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain.pdf.jpg2014A high resolution spatiotemporal atlas of gene expression of the developing mouse brain
Thompson, Carol; Ng, Lydia; Menon, Vilas; Martínez Pérez, Salvador; Lee, Chang Kyu; Glattfelder, Katie; Sunkin, Susan; Henry, Alex; Lau, Christopher; Dang, Chinh; Garcia-López, Raquel; Martínez, Almudena; Pombero, Ana; Rubenstein, John L.R.; Wakeman, Wayne
Visual_Percepts_evoked_with_96_intracortical_microelectrodes (1).pdf.jpgOct-2021Visual percepts evoked with an intracortical 96-channel microelectrode array inserted in human occipital cortex
Fernández Jover, Eduardo; Alfaro Sáez, Arantxa; Soto-Sánchez, Cristina; González-López, Pablo; Lozano, Antonio M.; Peña, Sebastian; Grima Murcia, Mª Dolores; Rodil, Alfonso; Iwańska-Cieślik, Bernardeta; Roelfsema, Pieter; Rolston, John; Davis, Tyler; Normann, Richard; Chen, Xing
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 21 to 39 of 39