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Erectile dysfunction in cardiovascular patients A prospective.pdf.jpg16-may-2024Erectile dysfunction in cardiovascular patients: A prospective study of the eNOS gene T-786C, G894T, and INTRONvariable number of the tandem repeat functional interaction
Segura, Ana; Muriel, Javier; Miró, Pau; Agulló, Laura; Arrarte, Vicente; CARRACEDO, PATRICIA; Zandonai, Thomas; Peiró, Ana
Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms and erectile.pdf.jpg2019Endothelial nitric oxide synthase gene polymorphisms and erectile dysfunction in chronic pain
Segura, Ana; Ballester, Purificación; Ajo Ferrer, Raquel; Inda, María del Mar; Urbano, Antonio; Muriel, Javier; Ochando, Isabel; Margarit, César; Martinez, Emi; Peiró, Ana