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dc.contributor.authorCastellví, P.-
dc.contributor.authorLucas-Romero, E.-
dc.contributor.authorMiranda-Mendizábal, A.-
dc.contributor.authorParés-Badell, O.-
dc.contributor.authorAlmenara, J.-
dc.contributor.authorAlonso, I.-
dc.contributor.authorBlasco, M.J.-
dc.contributor.authorGabilondo, A.-
dc.contributor.authorGili, M.-
dc.contributor.authorLagares, C.-
dc.contributor.authorPiqueras, Jose A-
dc.contributor.authoret al.-
dc.contributor.otherDepartamentos de la UMH::Psicología de la Saludes_ES
dc.identifier.citationJournal of Affective Disorders, Volume 215, June 2017, Pages 37-48es_ES
dc.description.abstractBackground: Adolescents with previous self-injurious thoughts and behaviors (SITB) have over 2-fold risk of dying by suicide, higher than older ages. This meta-analysis aims to disentangle the association of each SITB with subsequent suicidal behavior in adolescence/young adulthood, the contribution of each SITB, and the proportion of suicide deaths with no previous suicide attempt. Methods: We searched 6 databases until June 2015. Inclusion criteria: 1. Assessment of any previous SITB [a) suicidal thoughts and behaviors (ideation; threat/gesture; plan; attempt); b) non-suicidal thoughts and behaviors (thoughts; threat/gesture; self-injury); c) self-harm] as a risk factor of suicide attempt or suicide death; 2. Casecontrol or cohort studies; 3. Subjects aged 12-26y. Random effect models, metaregression analyses including mental health and environmental variables, and population attributable risks (PAR)s were estimated. Results: From 23,682 potentially eligible articles, 29 were included in the meta-analysis (1,122,054 individuals). While 68% of all youth suicide deaths had no previous suicide attempt, suicide death was very strongly associated with any previous SITB (OR=22.53, 95%CI: 18.40–27.58). Suicide attempts were also associated with a history of previous SITB (OR=3.48, 95%CI: 2.71–4.43). There were no moderating effects for mental health and environmental features. The PAR of previous SITB to suicide attempts is 26%. Limitations: There is considerable heterogeneity between the available studies. Due to limitations in the original studies, an over-estimation of the proportion dying at their first attempt cannot be ruled out, since they might have missed unrecognized previous suicide attempts. Conclusions: Although more than two thirds of suicide deaths in adolescence/young adulthood have occurred with no previous suicidal behavior, previous SITBs have a much higher risk of dying by suicide than previously reported in this age group.es_ES
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional*
dc.subjectNon-suicidal self-injuryes_ES
dc.subject.otherCDU::1 - Filosofía y psicología::159.9 - Psicologíaes_ES
dc.titleLongitudinal association between self-injurious thoughts and behaviors and suicidal behavior in adolescents and young adults: A systematic review with meta-analysises_ES
Aparece en las colecciones:
Artículos- Psicología de la Salud


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