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Psychometric Properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in Spanish Adolescents

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Título :
Psychometric Properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in Spanish Adolescents
Autor :
López-Fernández, Francisco Javier
Morales-Hidalgo, Paula
Canals, Josefa
Marzo, Juan C.
García-López, Luis Joaquín
Piqueras, José A.
Editor :
Cambridge University Press
Departamentos de la UMH::Psicología de la Salud
Fecha de publicación:
Resumen :
Few studies have examined the psychometric properties of the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC) in a large adolescent community sample, finding a significant disparity. This study explores the psychometric properties of the CD-RISC among Spanish adolescents by means of exploratory factor analysis (EFA), Rasch analysis, and measurement invariance (MI) across sex, as well as internal consistency and criterion validity. The sample was comprised of 463 adolescents (231 girls), aged 12 to 18 years, who completed the CD-RISC and other measures on emotional status and quality of life. The EFA suggested that the CD-RISC structure presented a unidimensional model. Consequently, shorter unidimensional CD-RISC models observed in the literature were explored. Thus, the Campbell-Sills and Stein CD–RISC–10 showed the soundest psychometric properties, providing an adequate item fit and supporting MI and non-differential item functioning across sex. Item difficulty levels were biased toward low levels of resilience. Some items showed malfunctioning in lower response categories. With regard to reliability, categorical omega was. 82. Strong associations with health-related quality of life, major depressive disorder symptoms, and emotional symptoms were observed. A weak association was found between resilience and the male sex. Campbell-Sills and Stein’s CD–RISC–10 model emerges as the best to assess resilience among Spanish adolescents, as already reported in adults. Thus, independently of the developmental stage, the core of resilience may reside in the aspects of hardiness and persistence.
Palabras clave/Materias:
factor analysis
measurement invariance
Rasch analysis
Área de conocimiento :
CDU: Filosofía y psicología: Psicología
Tipo de documento :
Derechos de acceso:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Aparece en las colecciones:
Artículos- Psicología de la Salud

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