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La articulación del turismo de base comunitaria como un campo social en San Clemente (Ecuador)

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Título :
La articulación del turismo de base comunitaria como un campo social en San Clemente (Ecuador)
Autor :
Iniesta Peñalver, José Miguel
Nogués-Pedregal, Antonio-Miguel  
Travé Molero, Raúl  
Editor :
Universidad Miguel Hernández
Departamentos de la UMH::Ciencias Sociales y Humanas
Fecha de publicación:
Resumen :
Este trabajo de investigación presenta una etnografía de la comunidad indígena Kychwa de San Clemente, situada a las faldas del volcán de Imbabura, en la provincia del mismo nombre (Ecuador). En esta investigación nos centramos en mostrar cómo con la conversión del territorio de San Clemente en esp...  Ver más
This research paper presents an ethnography of the indigenous Kychwa community of San Clemente, located at the foot of the Imbabura volcano, in the province of the same name (Ecuador). In this research we focus on showing how the conversion of the territory of San Clemente into a tourist area has modified certain aspects related to life in society and how culturally they have adapted to the tourist context. In no way do we intend to establish value criteria about the effects of tourism on the community. The community of San Clemente was for several decades subjected to a hacienda system that anchored the indigenous people to the land, a system akin to slavery, where they worked for the lord of the hacienda for a piece of land (not equally distributed) for their houses and for cultivation without receiving any salary. In the early 1950s-1960s, 19 indigenous families lived in the community (not yet considered communal territory). The most common surnames were Pupiales, Guamán, Carlosama and Cuazquez, which are still predominant. Meanwhile, in the same decade, in Western countries, a current of economicist thought had been internalised that considered tourism as a tool to achieve development, almost miraculously, in impoverished countries (De Kadt; 1991), while at the same time creating new commercial relations between sending and receiving countries (Jafari, 2005). Based on this economicist current, tourism development has been linked to economic growth and this conception of tourism permeates social thinking, becoming the unofficial discourse of several international institutions such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) or the World Tourism Organisation (WTO). In the meantime, life in San Clemente was very hard, with little food production due to a lack of agricultural inputs, including seeds and animals, and no income. This situation encouraged emigration to other territories. It is after the agrarian reform, at the end of the 70s, when we can date the origins of the community of San Clemente, since it is when D. José Pupiales was elected for the first time as community councillor, although without any legal order, and still being hacienda territory. In 1989, those who lived in the community decided to recover the territory they considered to belong to their ancestors and expel the hacienda owner from it. Finally, on 12 October 1990, they took possession of the land, with the help of the FEEP11 represented by Mr. Raúl Navas, who mediated between the hacienda owner and the neighbours to facilitate the purchase of the land by means of a loan. For the indigenous people living in the community, it was a time of celebration, of conquered freedom and hope for the future. Meanwhile, in the dawn of the 1980s, in the face of a scenario that identifies the relationship between tourism and economic development, new forms of tourism based on local resources emerge that "are relatively easy to manage, are not destructive, benefit both hosts and guests, and improve communication between them" (Jafari, 2005:6). It is in this context that community-based tourism (CBT) emerges. In theory, this form of tourism is presented as a viable and socio-culturally sustainable form of tourism, while promoting environmental conservation and gaining the complicity and participation of local people in tourism management. With the full recovery of the land, the idea of hosting tourists through a CBT project arose in San Clemente, seen as a way of obtaining economic benefits to cover the loan repayment. This idea did not come to fruition, but was kept alive by some families who were particularly interested in recovering it. In the early 2000s, the idea of setting up a CBT project was taken up again. The equivalence between tourism and development led a group of inhabitants of the community, based on their logic and desire for development, framed in a globalised world governed by the logic of modernisation (Giddens, 1993), to propose the possibility of creating a CBT project. This rejection was not unanimous; five families organised themselves to create a tourism project, fundamentally from a position that contemplated and foresaw only the positive aspects that the initiative could bring. In San Clemente, in order to start hosting tourists, they had to modify their houses to adapt them to the comfort standards of the tourists; to articulate a tourist offer where the main attraction was their culture; and also to train themselves in areas such as gastronomy, tourist services or languages. These are fundamental aspects for a successful tourism project. The members of the tourist group tried through community assemblies to get more families to join the tourist activity, either by hosting or being part of the tourist offer. Ultimately, problems began to arise between those inside and outside the tourism group. In order to construct the tourism offer in this rural Andean context and, at the same time, be a lure for the potential tourist, the practices, discourses or narratives of cultural life must be central elements in the promotional strategies for visitors seeking to escape from their daily lives (Skewes et al. 2012) to a "rural and traditional" tourist space. This offer pushes in the direction of the territory becoming a tourist scenario through what we call "mediation of the tourist space" (Nogués-Pedregal, 2005:4). Through ethnography, the community of San Clemente is presented as an indigenous territory with a history and a past of slavery, where the initiative of tourism arises among a group of community leaders. At that moment, society and culture are articulated in order to appropriate a new form of economic production in the community territory, tourism. In our analysis, this will be analysed as a "field of power" (Bourdieu, 2001). A social space where we find a social structure recognised by the group, which shares a symbolic system and where different forms of capital come into play (Bourdieu & Wacquant, 2005). This socio-anthropological work has focused on observing and analysing how socio-cultural life is shaped through praxis (Cohen, 1989), as well as whether this model of community economic production improves the quality of life of the community. In this way, this thesis is structured in 3 blocks. In the first block we deal with the background, methodology and theoretical framework; in the second block we discuss sustainable tourism and tourism in Ecuador; in the third block, we present the ethnography of San Clemente and the conclusions. This community has been selected because it has been hosting tourists for more than 20 years, which allows us to study how this activity has impacted on the social, economic and cultural life of the community, and to be able to answer the question: how does the arrival of tourism affect the socio-cultural life and socio-economic structure of the community of San Clemente? The methodology used was ethnographic fieldwork that allowed us to live with the community of San Clemente for a year and two months between 2015 and 2016.
Palabras clave/Materias:
campo social
cambio cultural
capital social
Área de conocimiento :
CDU: Ciencias sociales
Tipo de documento :
Derechos de acceso:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Aparece en las colecciones:
Tesis doctorales - Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas

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