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Running opposes the effects of social isolation on synaptic plasticity and transmission in a rat model of depression

Running opposes the effects of social isolation on synaptic plasticity and transmission in a rat model of depression
Gómez Galán, Marta
Femenía Cantó, Teresa
Aberg, Elin
Grage, Lisette
Van Eeckhaut, Ann
Smolders, Ilse
Brené, Stefan
Lindskog, Maria
Public Library of Science
Departamentos de la UMH::Farmacología, Pediatría y Química Orgánica
Stress, such as social isolation, is a well-known risk factor for depression, most probably in combination with predisposing genetic factors. Physical exercise on the other hand, is depicted as a wonder-treatment that makes you healthier, happier and live longer. However, the published results on the effects of exercise are ambiguous, especially when it comes to neuropsychiatric disorders. Here we combine a paradigm of social isolation with a genetic rat model of depression, the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL), already known to have glutamatergic synaptic alterations. Compared to group-housed FSL rats, we found that social isolation further affects synaptic plasticity and increases basal synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. These functional synaptic alterations co-exist with changes in hippocampal protein expression levels: social isolation in FSL rats reduce expression of the glial glutamate transporter GLT-1, and increase expression of the GluA2 AMPA-receptor subunit. We further show that physical exercise in form of voluntary running prevents the stress-induced synaptic effects but do not restore the endogenous mechanisms of depression already present in the FSL rat.
Knowledge area:
CDU: Ciencias aplicadas: Medicina: Farmacología. Terapéutica. Toxicología. Radiología
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Access rights:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
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Artículos Farmacología, Pediatría y Química Orgánica

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