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Running opposes the effects of social isolation on synaptic plasticity and transmission in a rat model of depression

Título :
Running opposes the effects of social isolation on synaptic plasticity and transmission in a rat model of depression
Autor :
Gómez Galán, Marta
Femenía Cantó, Teresa
Aberg, Elin
Grage, Lisette
Van Eeckhaut, Ann
Smolders, Ilse
Brené, Stefan
Lindskog, Maria
Editor :
Public Library of Science
Departamentos de la UMH::Farmacología, Pediatría y Química Orgánica
Resumen :
Stress, such as social isolation, is a well-known risk factor for depression, most probably in combination with predisposing genetic factors. Physical exercise on the other hand, is depicted as a wonder-treatment that makes you healthier, happier and live longer. However, the published results on the effects of exercise are ambiguous, especially when it comes to neuropsychiatric disorders. Here we combine a paradigm of social isolation with a genetic rat model of depression, the Flinders Sensitive Line (FSL), already known to have glutamatergic synaptic alterations. Compared to group-housed FSL rats, we found that social isolation further affects synaptic plasticity and increases basal synaptic transmission in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. These functional synaptic alterations co-exist with changes in hippocampal protein expression levels: social isolation in FSL rats reduce expression of the glial glutamate transporter GLT-1, and increase expression of the GluA2 AMPA-receptor subunit. We further show that physical exercise in form of voluntary running prevents the stress-induced synaptic effects but do not restore the endogenous mechanisms of depression already present in the FSL rat.
Área de conocimiento :
CDU: Ciencias aplicadas: Medicina: Farmacología. Terapéutica. Toxicología. Radiología
Tipo de documento :
Derechos de acceso:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Aparece en las colecciones:
Artículos Farmacología, Pediatría y Química Orgánica

Creative Commons La licencia se describe como: Atribución-NonComercial-NoDerivada 4.0 Internacional.