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Desarrollo de una skill educativa sobre el asistente virtual Alexa: Estudia conmigo


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Desarrollo de una skill educativa sobre el asistente virtual Alexa: Estudia conmigo
Martín Domínguez, Javier
Vicente Ripoll, María Asunción
Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche
Departamentos de la UMH::Ingeniería Mecánica y Energía
Issue Date:
El proyecto tiene como finalidad el ser capaces de diseñar una habilidad o skill en la plataforma de desarrollo del asistente virtual Alexa. Hemos buscado desarrollar una skill la cual sirva como herramienta de estudio para el usuario, donde pueda recibir la lección tantas veces como quiera y ser evaluado por Alexa. Consiguiendo de esta manera una skill interactiva, educativa y productiva.
After the passage of the last decades, we have seen how digitization is a pending issue in almost all sectors. In this final degree project, we will present a solution within the field of education. The purpose of the project is to be able to design an ability or skill in the Alexa virtual assistant development platform. We will seek to develop a skill which serves as a study tool for the user, where they can receive the lesson as many times as they want and be evaluated by Alexa. Getting in this way an interactive, educational and productive skill. Our project will be divided into three large blocks. In the first block we will begin by presenting virtual assistants and their applications, deeping into the educational sector. Then we will go into a global vision of the Alexa visual assistant, where we will talk about its functionalities and its physical devices. In the second block, we will explain how Alexa behaves internally and her work environment. Then we will focus on explaining how a skill works and what its structures are like, that is, we will go into its architecture. Finally, we will talk about its development platform and explain how a skill can be created. In the third and last block, we will present the skill that we want to develop, giving a vision of what need we want to cover thanks to the application of our skill and we will talk about its functionalities. Then we will go into its development explaining its front-end and back-end. Finally, we will test the developed skill and provide possible future work.
asistente virtual
Knowledge area:
CDU: Ciencias aplicadas: Ingeniería. Tecnología
Type of document:
Access rights:
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacional
Appears in Collections:
TFG-Ingeniería Mecánica

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