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7-Diaz mula et al 2009SCI-B- FSTI-2009-15-535-543 cherry on-tree (1).pdf.jpgfeb-2010Sensory, Nutritive and Functional Properties of Sweet Cherry as Affected by Cultivar and Ripening Stage
Diaz-Mula, Huertas Maria; Castillo, Salvador; Martínez-Romero, Domingo; Valero, Daniel; Zapata, Pedro J; Guillén, Fabián; Serrano, María
4. antioxidants-rabos cereza.pdf.jpg13-may-2020Sweet Cherry Byproducts Processed by Green Extraction Techniques as a Source of Bioactive Compounds with Antiaging Properties
Herranz López, María; Agulló Chazarra, Luz María; Borrás-Linares, Isabel; Lozano Sánchez, Jesús; segura Carretero, Antonio; Micol, Vicente; Barrajón-Catalán, Enrique