Browsing by Keywords Economic value
Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Preview | Issue Date | Title | Author(s) | Access |
 | Mar-2018 | Composting as a method to recycle renewable plant resources back tothe ornamental plant industry: Agronomic and economic assessmentof composts | Idrovo Novillo, Julio César; Gavilanes Terán, Irene; Bustamante, Maria Angeles; Paredes, Concepcion |  |
 | Aug-2018 | Valorization of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) pruning biomass by cocomposting with urban and agri-food sludge | Vico López, Alberto; Pérez Murcia, Mª Dolores; Bustamante, Maria Angeles; Agulló Ruiz, Enrique; Marhuenda-Egea, Frutos Carlos; Sáez Tovar, Jose Antonio; Paredes, Concepcion; Perez Espinosa, Aurelia; Moral, Raul |  |
 | 27-Feb-2023 | Valorization of Wild Edible Plants as Food Ingredients and Their Economic Value | Clemente Villalba, Jesús; Burló, Francisco; Hernández, Francisca; Carbonell-Barrachina, Ángel A. |  |