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Deciphering the Action of Perfluorohexyloctane Eye Drops to Reduce Ocular Discomfort and Pain..pdf.jpg26-Oct-2021Deciphering the Action of Perfluorohexyloctane Eye Drops to Reduce Ocular Discomfort and Pain
Delicado Miralles, Miguel; Velasco Serna, Enrique; Díaz-Tahoces, Ariadna; Gallar, Juana; Acosta, Mª Carmen; Aracil Marco, Adolfo
Decreased generation of C-terminal fragments of ApoER2 and increased reelin expression in Alzheimer's disease.pdf.jpg9-Feb-2018Decreased generation of C-terminal fragments of ApoER2 and increased reelin expression in Alzheimer’s disease
Mata-Balaguer, Trinidad; Cuchillo-Ibañez, Inmaculada; Calero, Miguel; Ferrer, Isidro; Sáez-Valero, Javier
TESIS - Sergio Molina Rodriguez_compressed.pdf.jpg17-Jul-2013Design and validation of an fNIRS system to assess functional activity of the prefrontal cortexMolina Rodríguez, Sergio
Developmental alterations of the septohippocampal cholinergic projection in a lissencephalic mouse model.pdf.jpgJun-2015Developmental alterations of the septohippocampal cholinergic projection in a lissencephalic mouse model
García López, Raquel; Pombero, Ana; Domínguez, Eduardo; Geijo Barrientos, Emilio; Martínez, Salvador
Developmental guidance of the retroflex tract at its bending point involves Robo1-Slit2-mediated floor plate repulsion.pdf.jpgJan-2016Developmental guidance of the retroflex tract at its bending point involves Robo1-Slit2-mediated floor plate repulsion
Moreno-Bravo, Juan Antonio; Martínez-López, Jesús E.; Madrigal Verdú, Pilar; Kim, Minkyung; Mastick, Grant S.; López-Bendito, Guillermina; Martinez, Salvador; Puelles, Eduardo
Developmental mechanisms and experimental models.pdf.jpg31-Jul-2006Developmental mechanisms and experimental models to understand forebrain malformative diseases
Pombero, Ana; Valdés, L.; Vieira, C.; Martínez, S.
Valverde Hernández Irene.pdf.jpgJun-2024Efectos de la ausencia del gen LIS1 en interneuronas parvalbúmina en el hipotálamo de ratónValverde Hernández, Irene
Effects of Percutaneous Electrolysis on Endogenous Pain Modulation A Randomized Controlled Trial Study Protocol.pdf.jpg17-Jun-2021Effects of Percutaneous Electrolysis on Endogenous Pain Modulation: A Randomized Controlled Trial Study Protocol
Varela Rodríguez, Sergio; Sánchez González, Juan Luis; Sanchez-Sanchez, José Luis; Delicado Miralles, Miguel; Fernández-de-las-Peñas, César; Calderón Díez, Laura
Elevated Plasma Reelin Levels in Children With Autism.pdf.jpg30-Mar-2020Elevated Plasma Reelin Levels in Children With Autism
Cuchillo-Ibañez, Inmaculada; Andreo-Lillo, Patricia; Pastor-Ferrándiz, Lorena; Carratalá-Marco, Francisco; Sáez-Valero, Javier
Endogenous Pain Modulation in Response to a Single Session..pdf.jpg20-May-2022Endogenous Pain Modulation in Response to a Single Session of Percutaneous Electrolysis in Healthy Population: A Double-Blinded Randomized Clinical Trial
Varela Rodríguez, Sergio; Sánchez García, José Luis; Velasco Diaz, Jorge Enrique; Delicado Miralles, Miguel; Sánchez González, Juan Luis
Epithelial and sensory mechanisms of nasal hyperreactivity.pdf.jpg14-Feb-2022Epithelial and sensory mechanisms of nasal hyperreactivity
Velasco Serna, Enrique; Delicado Miralles, Miguel; Hellings, Peter W.; Gallar Martínez, Juana; Van Gerven, Laura; Talavera, Karel
Expression analysis of Sulf1 in the chick forebrain at early and late stages of development.pdf.jpg3-Aug-2009Expression analysis of Sulf1 in the chick forebrain at early and late stages of developmentGarcia-Lopez, Raquel; SOULA, Cathy; Martínez, Salvador
Fate map of the chick embryo neural tube.pdf.jpg20-Jan-2009Fate map of the chick embryo neural tubeGarcía López, Raquel; Pombero, Ana; Martínez, Salvador
31-Dec-2003Fate map of the diencephalon and the zona limitans at the 10-somites stage in chick embryos
Garcia-Lopez, Raquel; Vieira, Claudia; Echevarria, Diego; Martinez, Salvador
Frequency‐domain analysis of fNIRS fluctuations induced by rhythmic mental-1.pdf.jpgJul-2021Frequency-domain analysis of fNIRS fluctuations induced by rhythmic mental arithmetic
Molina Rodríguez, Sergio; Marcos Mirete, Fructuoso; Martínez Otero, Luis Miguel; Ibáñez Ballesteros, Joaquín
TESIS Manzanero Ortiz_Sandra_compressed.pdf.jpg12-Dec-2023Functional analysis of the tumor suppressor gene p53 in the process of a symmetric cell divisionManzanero Ortiz, Sandra
Functional interplay between secreted ligands and receptors in melanoma.pdf.jpg1-Jul-2017Functional interplay between secreted ligands and receptors in melanoma
Herraiz, Celia; Jiménez-Cervantes, Celia; Sanchez-Laorden, Berta; García-Borrón, José C.
TESIS SF GarciaHernandez_Raquel_compressed.pdf.jpg24-Jul-2024Imaging Microglia and Astrocytes In Vivo and Non-Invasively: An MRI-Histology StudyGarcía Hernández, Raquel
Increased P2×2 receptors induced by amyloid-β peptide participates in the neurotoxicity in alzheimer’s disease.pdf.jpg31-Jul-2021Increased P2×2 receptors induced by amyloid-β peptide participates in the neurotoxicity in alzheimer’s disease
Godoy, Pamela A.; Mennickent, Daniela; Cuchillo‑Ibañez, Inmaculada; Ramirez Molina, Oscar; Silva-Grecchi, Tiare; Panes Fernandez, Jessica; Castro, Patricio; Sáez-Valero, Javier; Fuentealba, Jorge
Mesencephalic basolateral domain specification is dependent on Sonic Hedgehog.pdf.jpgFeb-2015Mesencephalic basolateral domain specification is dependent on Sonic Hedgehog
Martínez-López, Jesús E.; Moreno-Bravo, Juan Antonio; Madrigal Verdú, Pilar; Martinez, Salvador; Puelles, Eduardo