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A Delphi Study Protocol to Identify Recommendations on Physical Activity and Exercise in Patients with Diabetes and Risk of Foot Ulcerations.pdf.jpg2021A Delphi Study Protocol to Identify Recommendations on Physical Activity and Exercise in Patients with Diabetes and Risk of Foot Ulcerations
Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Lopez-Pineda, Adriana; Chicharro-Luna, Esther; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F
A systematic review of psychological well-being interventions for child.pdf.jpg31-dic-2024A systematic review of psychological well-being interventions for child victims of school violence
Cascales-Martínez, Andrea; Pina, David; López-López, Reyes; Puente López, Esteban; López-Ros, Paloma; Molero, María del Mar; Pérez-Fuentes, María del Carmen
ACT on PA Manchón et al 2020 (1).pdf.jpgjul-2020Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on physical activity: A systematic review
Manchón López, J.; Quiles, M.J.; León, E.M.; López Roig, Sofía
Actividad física en chicas adolescentes con riesgo de desarrollar TA.pdf.jpg30-dic-2019Actividad física en chicas adolescentes con riesgo de desarrollar un trastorno alimentarioPamies-Aubalat, Lidia; QUILES, YOLANDA
2021 Peñacoba et al Activity Patterns and Functioning IJERPH.pdf.jpg18-may-2021Activity Patterns and Functioning. A Contextual–Functional Approach to Pain Catastrophizing in Women with Fibromyalgia
Peñacoba, Cecilia; Pastor-Mira, María Ángeles; Suso-Ribera, Carlos; CATALA, Patricia; Nardi-Rodríguez, Ainara; López Roig, Sofía
Protocolo del Ensayo Controlado Aleatorizado Frontiers in Psychology.pdf.jpg22-oct-2021Adaptation and Implementation of an Intervention Programme on Spanish Carers and Adolescent Patients With an Eating Disorder: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial
QUILES, YOLANDA; Quiles, María José; León, Eva María; Roncero, María; Ruiz Maciá, Álvaro; Maite , España Alustiza; Romero, Cristina; Elvira Cruañes, Vicente
Adaptation and Validation of the Spanish Versión DPC.pdf.jpg8-ene-2013Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the Dieting Peer Competitiveness Scale to adolescents of both gendersPamies-Aubalat, Lidia; QUILES, YOLANDA; Núñez Núñez, Rosa María
Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of social comparison scale Journal of Health Psychology.pdf.jpg2-ene-2014Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the Social Comparison Scale in chronic illness patients
Terol Cantero, M Carmen; Lledó, Ana; QUILES, YOLANDA; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN, MAITE
2021 - Adaptation of the Spanish version of the Frontal Assessment Battery for detection of executive dysfunction.pdf.jpg9-sep-2020Adaptation of the Spanish version of the Frontal Assessment Battery for detection of executive dysfunction
HURTADO-POMARES, MIRIAM; Valera-Gran, Desirée; Sánchez-Pérez, Alicia; Peral-Gómez, Paula; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María; Terol Cantero, M Carmen
Afrontamiento y TCA RLP.pdf.jpg2008Afrontamiento y trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: un estudio de revisiónQUILES, YOLANDA; Terol Cantero, M Carmen
Age-related variations in stratum corneum hydration in th foot.pdf.jpg2024Age-related variations in stratum corneum hydration in the foot
Chicharro-Luna, Esther; Zúnica García, Sara; Martinez-Algarra, Cynthia; Gracia Sánchez, Alba
An Analysis of Motivations and Typologies for the Consumption....pdf.jpgfeb-2025An Analysis of Motivations and Typologies for the Consumption of Prostitution as Perceived by a Young Spanish Sample
Dimitrova Velikova, Mariela; Terol Cantero, M Carmen; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN GELABERT, MAITE; Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina
XArículo PUBLICADO  informacio psicológica (1).pdf.jpgjun-2020Análisis de las Actitudes de las y los Adolescentes hacia la Prostitución y los Motivos para su consumo.
Velikova Dimitrova, Mariela; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN GELABERT, MAITE; Terol Cantero, María del Carmen; Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina
XArículo PUBLICADO  informacio psicológica.pdf.jpg2021Análisis de las Actitudes de las y los Adolescentes hacia la Prostitución y los Motivos para su consumo.
Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina; Terol Cantero, M. Carmen; Martin-Aragón Gelabert, Maite; Velikova Dimitrova, Mariela
Analysis of the Criticism and Defense of Feminism....pdf.jpgene-2025Analysis of the Criticism and Defense of Feminism in Social Discourse: A Case of Patriarchal Protection in Sports
Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina; Martínez, Carmen; Herás, Inés; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN GELABERT, MAITE; Terol Cantero, M Carmen
Artículo publicado aplicacion terapia compasion.pdf.jpg2019Aplicación de la terapia centrada en la compasión en pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria: un estudio pilotoHorcajo, Lara; QUILES, YOLANDA; Quiles, María José
TFG.pdf.jpg21-jun-2021El apoyo social en el dolor crónico: una perspectiva desde la fisioterapia.Ramón Martínez, Mónica
definitivo imprenta Escala Apoyo Social.pdf.jpgene- 12Apoyo social en la adolescencia: adaptación y propiedades psicométricas del “Social Support Scale for Children” de Harter (1985)Pastor, Yolanda; QUILES, YOLANDA; Pamies-Aubalat, Lidia
Aplicación del programa de reducción del estrés basado en atencion plena Psicología Conductual 2022 ingles.pdf.jpg2022Application of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program to patients with borderline personality disorder and chronic pain: A pilot studyVerdú García, María Luisa; QUILES, YOLANDA
2021 Ecija et al Are pacing patterns based on value goals JCPinMS.pdf.jpg4-feb-2021Are Pacing Patterns Really Based on Value Goals? Exploring the Contextual Role of Pain Acceptance and Pain Catastrophizing in Women with Fibromyalgia
ECIJA-GALLARDO, Carmen; CATALA, Patricia; López Roig, Sofía; Pastor-Mira, María Ángeles; Gallardo, Carmen; Peñacoba, Cecilia