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Vista previa | Fecha de publicación | Título | Autor(es) | Acceso |
 | 2021 | A Delphi Study Protocol to Identify Recommendations on Physical Activity and Exercise in Patients with Diabetes and Risk of Foot Ulcerations | Gracia Sánchez, Alba; Lopez-Pineda, Adriana; Chicharro-Luna, Esther; Gil-Guillén, Vicente F |  |
 | 31-dic-2024 | A systematic review of psychological well-being interventions for child victims of school violence | Cascales-Martínez, Andrea; Pina, David; López-López, Reyes; Puente López, Esteban; López-Ros, Paloma; Molero, María del Mar; Pérez-Fuentes, María del Carmen |  |
 | jul-2020 | Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on physical activity: A systematic review | Manchón López, J.; Quiles, M.J.; León, E.M.; López Roig, Sofía |  |
 | 30-dic-2019 | Actividad física en chicas adolescentes con riesgo de desarrollar un trastorno alimentario | Pamies-Aubalat, Lidia; QUILES, YOLANDA |  |
 | 18-may-2021 | Activity Patterns and Functioning. A Contextual–Functional Approach to Pain Catastrophizing in Women with Fibromyalgia | Peñacoba, Cecilia; Pastor-Mira, María Ángeles; Suso-Ribera, Carlos; CATALA, Patricia; Nardi-Rodríguez, Ainara; López Roig, Sofía |  |
 | 22-oct-2021 | Adaptation and Implementation of an Intervention Programme on Spanish Carers and Adolescent Patients With an Eating Disorder: Study Protocol of a Randomized Controlled Trial | QUILES, YOLANDA; Quiles, María José; León, Eva María; Roncero, María; Ruiz Maciá, Álvaro; Maite , España Alustiza; Romero, Cristina; Elvira Cruañes, Vicente |  |
 | 8-ene-2013 | Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the Dieting Peer Competitiveness Scale to adolescents of both
genders | Pamies-Aubalat, Lidia; QUILES, YOLANDA; Núñez Núñez, Rosa María |  |
 | 2-ene-2014 | Adaptation and validation of the Spanish version of the Social Comparison Scale in chronic illness patients | Terol Cantero, M Carmen; Lledó, Ana; QUILES, YOLANDA; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN, MAITE |  |
 | 9-sep-2020 | Adaptation of the Spanish version of the Frontal Assessment Battery for detection of executive dysfunction | HURTADO-POMARES, MIRIAM; Valera-Gran, Desirée; Sánchez-Pérez, Alicia; Peral-Gómez, Paula; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva María; Terol Cantero, M Carmen |  |
 | 2008 | Afrontamiento y trastornos de la conducta alimentaria: un estudio de revisión | QUILES, YOLANDA; Terol Cantero, M Carmen |  |
 | 2024 | Age-related variations in stratum corneum hydration in the foot | Chicharro-Luna, Esther; Zúnica García, Sara; Martinez-Algarra, Cynthia; Gracia Sánchez, Alba |  |
 | feb-2025 | An Analysis of Motivations and Typologies for the Consumption of Prostitution as Perceived by a Young Spanish Sample | Dimitrova Velikova, Mariela; Terol Cantero, M Carmen; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN GELABERT, MAITE; Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina |  |
 | jun-2020 | Análisis de las Actitudes de las y los Adolescentes
hacia la Prostitución y los Motivos para su consumo. | Velikova Dimitrova, Mariela; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN GELABERT, MAITE; Terol Cantero, María del Carmen; Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina |  |
 | 2021 | Análisis de las Actitudes de las y los Adolescentes hacia la Prostitución y los Motivos para su consumo. | Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina; Terol Cantero, M. Carmen; Martin-Aragón Gelabert, Maite; Velikova Dimitrova, Mariela |  |
 | ene-2025 | Analysis of the Criticism and Defense of Feminism in Social Discourse: A Case of Patriarchal Protection in Sports | Vázquez Rodríguez, Carolina; Martínez, Carmen; Herás, Inés; MARTÍN-ARAGÓN GELABERT, MAITE; Terol Cantero, M Carmen |  |
 | 2019 | Aplicación de la terapia centrada en la compasión en pacientes con un trastorno de la conducta alimentaria: un estudio piloto | Horcajo, Lara; QUILES, YOLANDA; Quiles, María José |  |
 | 21-jun-2021 | El apoyo social en el dolor crónico: una perspectiva desde la fisioterapia. | Ramón Martínez, Mónica |  |
 | ene- 12 | Apoyo social en la adolescencia: adaptación y propiedades psicométricas del “Social Support Scale for Children” de Harter (1985) | Pastor, Yolanda; QUILES, YOLANDA; Pamies-Aubalat, Lidia |  |
 | 2022 | Application of the Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction program to patients with borderline personality disorder and chronic pain: A pilot study | Verdú García, María Luisa; QUILES, YOLANDA |  |
 | 4-feb-2021 | Are Pacing Patterns Really Based on Value Goals? Exploring the Contextual Role of Pain Acceptance and Pain Catastrophizing in Women with Fibromyalgia | ECIJA-GALLARDO, Carmen; CATALA, Patricia; López Roig, Sofía; Pastor-Mira, María Ángeles; Gallardo, Carmen; Peñacoba, Cecilia |  |