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2024-Ceram Inter Jevee Paula.pdf.jpg15-Oct-2024In vitro biocompatibility and stem cell regenerative assessment of hollow hydroxyapatite spheres deposited wollastonite/Ca2P6O17/TCP/ doped-wollastonite scaffolds
Jeevithan, Lakshmi; Riosalido, Paula M.; Murciano, Angel; Velásquez, Pablo; De Aza, Piedad ; Elango, Jeevithan; Wu, Wenhui; Cueva Sanchez, Eduardo Jose
1-s2.0-S0030399223011489-main.pdf.jpg2024Liquid crystal anisotropic axicon for the generation of non-diffracting Bessel beams with longitudinally varying polarization
Jankowski, T.; Bennis, Noureddine; Spadlo, A.; Algorri, J.F.; Sánchez López, María del Mar; Moreno, I.
2024-jfb-15-00177 SergioG.pdf.jpg2024Mechanical Behavior of Five Different Morse Taper Implants and Abutments with Different Conical Internal Connections and Angles: An In Vitro Experimental Study
Caballero, Claudia; Rodriguez, Fernando; Castro Cortellari, Guillermo; Scarano, Antonio; Prados-Frutos, Juan Carlos; De Aza, Piedad ; Oliveira Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis; Gehrke, Sergio Alexandre
TD Corral González, Pablo.pdf.jpg18-Sep-2015Mejora de recepción de señal en redes inalámbricas aplicando técnicas de filtrado y diversidadCorral González, Pablo
EP-08208 B1.pdf.jpg2021Method for alignment of a laser beam emitted from an optical communication transmitter with a receiving stationCarrasco, Jose A; García de Quirós Nieto, Francisco Javier; Moreno Soriano, Ignacio
TD Baldomero Coll Perales.pdf.jpg30-Jul-2015Mobile Relaying and Opportunistic Networking in Multi‐Hop Cellular NetworksColl Perales, Baldomero
León-Quinto et al. - 2024 - Morphological and biochemical responses of a neotr.pdf.jpg2024Morphological and biochemical responses of a neotropical pest insect to low temperatures
Madrigal, ROQUE FERNANDO; León-Quinto, Trinidad; Cabello García, Esteban; Fimia, Antonio; Serna, Arturo
León-Quinto et al. - 2020 - Morphological response of the red palm weevil, Rhy.pdf.jpg2020Morphological response of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus, to a transient low temperature analyzed by computer tomography and holographic microscopy
Madrigal, ROQUE FERNANDO; León-Quinto, Trinidad; Serna, Arturo; Fimia, Antonio
TFG-Moreno Gallego, David.pdf.jpg2-Jul-2020NanoantenasMoreno Gallego de la Sacristana, David
2023 Sci Report Sergio.pdf.jpgJul-2023New strategy for osseodensification during osteotomy in low-density bone: an in vitro experimental study
Bettach, Raphael; Boukhris, Gilles; De Aza, Piedad; da Costa, Eleani Maria; SCARANO, Antonio; Oliveira Fernandes, Gustavo Vicentis; Gehrke, Sergio Alexandre
8_On_the_Implementation_of_a_DC-DC_Power_Supply_for_Reducing_Electromagnetic_Interference_from_Power_Converters_and_Filters.pdf.jpg2023On the Implementation of a DC-DC Power Supply for Reducing Electromagnetic Interference from Power Converters and Filters
Carrasco, Jose A; García de Quirós Nieto, Francisco Javier; Garrigós, Ausias; Blanes, Jose M.; Marroquí, David; Sanchis Kilders, Esteban; Ejea, Juan B; FERRERES, AGUSTIN; Gilabert-Palmer, David; de la Viuda, Isamel; Cora, M.; Junge, Axel; Landstroem, Sven
oe-27-10-14472.pdf.jpg13-May-2019Optimal triplicator design applied to a geometric phase vortex grating
Marco, D.; Sánchez López, María del Mar; Cofré, A.; Vargas, A.; Moreno, Ignacio
2024 Bioengineering Sergio.pdf.jpg16-Nov-2024Preclinical Experimental Study on New Cervical Implant Designto Improve Peri-Implant Tissue Healing
Gehrke, Sergio Alexandre; Castro Cortellari, Guillermo; Aramburú Junior, Jaime; Eilers Treichel, Tiago Luis; Bianchini, Marco Aurelio; Scarano, Antonio; De Aza, Piedad
2015 JECS.pdf.jpgJul-2014Preparation, characterization and in vitro behavior of a new eutectoidbioceramic.
De Aza, Piedad ; De la Casa Lillo, Miguel Ángel; Mazón Canales, Patricia; Rubio, V.
TFG-Orts Torres, Carlos.pdf.jpg3-Jul-2020Propuesta y diseño de un nanosatélite de comunicaciones para fines educativosOrts, Carlos
Tesis Montero Selma, Sergio.pdf.jpg20-Jul-2017Protocolos de Comunicación para Redes Inalámbricas Industriales con MovilidadMontero Selma, Sergio
Messaadi, Abdelgafour Gherici.pdf.jpg16-Jul-2021Retardadores ópticos en un rango espectral extendido: caracterización y filtros birrefringentesMessaadi, Abdelghafour Gherici
Phase-Diffraction-Gratings-REVISED-Post-print.pdf.jpg2023Retrieving the phase of diffraction orders generated with tailored gratings
Nabadda, Esther; Sánchez López, María del Mar; García-Martínez, P.; Moreno, I.
4_Sequential Switching Shunt Regulator Parallel Power Processing Control.pdf.jpg2021Sequential Switching Shunt Regulator Parallel Power Processing Control for High Capacitance Solar Arrays
Carrasco, Jose A; Blanes, Jose M.; Garrigós, Ausias; Marroquí, David; Torres Vergara, Cristian
ISIE2023_final.pdf.jpgJun-2023SiC JFET/P-MOSFET cascode for SSCB and inrush current limiter in 300V DC power systems
Garrigós, Ausias; Marroquí, David; Blanes, Jose M.; Torres, C.; Orts, Carlos; Casado, Pablo; Orts, Carlos; Casado, Pablo