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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
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3-1-s2.0-S0305048316308234-main.pdf.jpg3-Nov-2016Graph productivity change measure using the least distance to the pareto-efficient frontier in data envelopment analysis
Aparicio, Juan; García Nové, Eva María; Kapelko, Magdalena; Pastor Ciurana, Jesús Tadeo
TD García Nové, Eva María .pdf.jpg23-Jul-2018Nuevos problemas de agregación de rankings: Modelos y algoritmosGarcía Nové, Eva María
21-Alcaraz2020_Article_TheLinearOrderingProblemWithCl.pdf.jpg29-Feb-2020The linear ordering problem with clusters: a new partial ranking
Alcaraz Soria, Javier; García Nové, Eva María; Landete, Mercedes; Monge Ivars, Juan Francisco