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Showing results 1 to 5 of 5
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Conventional vs. Organic.pdf.jpgNov-2023Conventional vs. Organic: Evaluation of Nutritional, Functional and Sensory Quality of Citrus limon
Sánchez-Bravo, Paola; Martínez Tomé, Juan; Hernández, Francisca; Sendra, Esther; Noguera-Artiaga, Luis
foods-12-04304-v2.pdf.jpgNov-2023Conventional vs. Organic: Evaluation of Nutritional, Functional and Sensory Quality of Citrus limon
Hernández, Francisca; Sendra, Esther; Sánchez-Bravo, Paola; Martínez Tomé, Juan; Noguera-Artiaga, Luis
agronomy-12-02124-v2.pdf.jpgSep-2022Enhancing Sustainability in Intensive Dill Cropping: Comparative Effects of Biobased Fertilizers vs. Inorganic Commodities on Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Crop Yield, and Soil Properties
Pérez Murcia, Mª Dolores; Martínez Sabater, Encarnación; Andreu Rodríguez, Fco. Javier; Orden, Luciano; Agulló Ruiz, Enrique; Sáez Tovar, Jose Antonio; Martínez Tomé, Juan; Bustamante Muñoz, María de los Ángeles; Moral, Raúl
Nutritional diagnosis norms.pdf.jpgMar-2021Nutritional diagnosis norms for three olive tree cultivars in superhighdensity orchards
Giménez, Miguel; Nieves, Manuel; Gimeno Pérez, Helenio; Martínez Tomé, Juan; Martínez-Nicolás, Juan José
The development of the radicular.pdf.jpgDec-2020The development of the radicular and vegetative systems of almond trees with different rootstocks following the application of biostimulants
Mondragón Valero, Alba; Malherio, Ricardo; Salazar Hernández, Domingo; Martínez Tomé, Juan; Pereira, José A.; López Cortés, Isabel