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s11081-023-09850-8(2).pdf.jpgSep-2023A comparison ofmethods for the calculation of all the key points of the PV single-diode model including a new algorithm for themaximum power point
Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier; Galiano, Vicente; Herranz Cuadrado, Maria Victoria; Blanes, Jose M.; Batzelis, Efstratios
TESIS Fco. Javier Toledo Melero.pdf.jpg2003Distancia al Mal Planteamiento en Optimización LinealToledo Melero, Fco. Javier
Toledo_etAl_2024_J. Comput. Sci._75_102199.pdf.jpg2023Efficient computation of the photovoltaic single-diode model curve by means of a piecewise linear self-adaptive representation
Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier; Galiano, Vicente; Herranz Cuadrado, Maria Victoria; Blanes, José M.
1-s2.0-S0960148120313811-main.pdf.jpgAug-2020In-depth analysis of single-diode model parameters from manufacturer’s datasheet
Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier; Blanes, Jose M.; Galiano, Vicente; Laudani, A.
Gisbert_etAl_2019_J.Optim.Theory Appl._182_133-152.pdf.jpg2018Lipschitz Modulus of the Optimal Value in Linear Programming
Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier; Gisbert, María Jesús; Parra, Juan; Cánovas, María Josefa
Noise-Scaled_Euclidean_Distance_A_Metric_for_Maximum_Likelihood_Estimation_of_the_PV_Model_Parameters.pdf.jpgMay-2022Noise-Scaled Euclidean Distance: A Metric for Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the PV Model Parameters
Batzelis, Efstratios; Blanes, Jose M.; Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier; Galiano, Vicente
Toledo_2022_Rev.R.Acad.Cienc.ExactasFís.Nat.Ser.AMat._116_71.pdf.jpg2022On the convergence of infinite towers of powers and logarithms for general initial data: applications to LambertW function sequencesToledo Melero, Fco. Javier
1-s2.0-S0378475423000058-main.pdf.jpgJan-2023Photovoltaic single-diode model parametrization. An application to the calculus of the Euclidean distance to an I –V curve
Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier; Galiano, Vicente; Blanes, Jose M.; Herranz Cuadrado, Maria Victoria; Batzelisd, Efstratios
Quick_and_Accurate_Strategy_for_Calculating_the_Solutions_of_the_Photovoltaic_Single-Diode_Model_Equation.pdf.jpgMar-2022Quick and Accurate Strategy for Calculating the Solutions of the Photovoltaic Single-Diode Model Equation
Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier; Herranz Cuadrado, Maria Victoria; Blanes, Jose M.; Galiano, Vicente
Moreno_Vassart_etAl_2024_Renew.Energy_237_121661.pdf.jpg2024Relationships between remarkable points in photovoltaic I–V curves
Moreno-Vassart, Xavier; Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier; Herranz Cuadrado, Maria Victoria; Galiano, Vicente
TD Gisbert Francés, María Jesús.pdf.jpg15-Nov-2018Sensitivity Analysis and Lipschitzian Properties in Linear OptimizationGisbert Francés, María Jesús
1_System-on-chip for Real-time Satellite photovoltaic curves telemetry.pdf.jpgMar-2018System-on-Chip for Real-Time Satellite Photovoltaic Curves Telemetry
Gutiérrez Mazón, roberto; Blanes, Jose M.; Marroquí, David; Garrigós, Ausias; Toledo Melero, Fco. Javier