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2-2018 OL postprint_Achromatic linear retarder.pdf.jpg9-jul-2018Achromatic linear retarder with tunable retardance
Messaadi, Abdelghafour; Sánchez López, María del Mar; Vargas, Asticio; García-Martínez, Pascuala; Moreno Soriano, Ignacio
Adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of patients.pdf.jpg10-jul-2020Adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells for the treatment of patients with severe SARS-CoV-2 pneumonia requiring mechanical ventilation. A proof of concept study
Sanchez-Guijoa, Fermín; Garcia-Arranz, Mariano; Lopez-Parra, Miriam; Monedero, Pablo; Mata-Martínez, Carmen; Santos, Arnoldo; Sagredo, Víctor; Alvarez Avello, Jose manuel; Guerrero, Jose Eugenio; Perez-Calvoh, Cesar; Sanchez-Hernandez, Miguel-Vicente; Del Pozo, Jose L; Andreu, Enrique J.; Fernandez Santos, Maria Eugenia; Soria-Juan, Barbara
1-Preprint-OpenDocument-Q1-Brattich-AdvectionPathwaysMtCimone-1-s2.0-S1352231020302508-am.pdf.jpg2020Advection pathways at the Mt. Cimone WMO-GAW station: Seasonality, trends, and influence on atmospheric composition
Garcia Orza, Jose Antonio; Brattich, Erika; Cristofanelli, Paolo; Bonasoni, Paolo; Marinoni, Angela; Tositti, Laura
TFG-GabrielBernabeGarcia.pdf.jpgjun-2023Aerosol atmosférico y dispersión de radiación: un estudio de higroscopicidadBernabé García, Gabriel
TFG-Nortes Liarte, Lidia.pdf.jpgjun-2024Aerosoles carbonosos en emplazamientos de tráfico y fondo urbano de la ciudad de ElcheNortes Liarte, Lidia
TFG-Jiménez Soler, Carlos.pdf.jpgjun-2024Análisis de carbono orgánico soluble en aerosoles atmosféricosJiménez Soler, Carlos
Analysis of an Evaporative Cooling Pad Connected to.pdf.jpg31-may-2024Analysis of an Evaporative Cooling Pad Connected to an Air Distribution System of Perforated Polyethylene Tubes in a Greenhouse
Pardo Pina, Sofía; ferrández-pastor, francisco-javier; Rodriguez, Francisco; Cámara-Zapata, José-María
Application of Biocat G, selenium, and chitosan to counteract the negative effects of Cd in broccoli plants.pdf.jpg30-may-2022Application of Biocat G, Selenium, and Chitosan to Counteract the Negative Effects of Cd in Broccoli Plants Grown in Soilless Culture
Pérez-Millán, Rafael; Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Fernández-Zapata, Juan Carlos; Simon Grao, Silvia; Alfosea Simón, Marina; Shahid, Muhammad Adnan; Garcia-Sanchez, Francisco
sustainability-12-09729-v3.pdf.jpgnov-2020Application of Biostimulants Containing Amino Acids to Tomatoes Could Favor Sustainable Cultivation: Implications for Tyrosine, Lysine, and Methionine
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Alfosea Simón, Marina; Simon Grao, Silvia; Zavala González, Ernesto; Simón Vilella, Inmaculada; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Lidón Noguera, Vicente; Rodríguez Ortega, Wilbert Michael; García Sánchez, Francisco
24.pdf.jpgfeb-2019Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis improves tolerance of Carrizo citrange to excess boron supply by reducing leaf B concentration and toxicity in the leaves and roots
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; Simon Grao, Silvia; Nieves, Manuel; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Alfosea Simón, Marina; Fernández Zapata, Juan Carlos; García-Sánchez, Francisco
OpenAccess-Q1-Karbasi et al-CO2 over Iran satellite and simulations-1.pdf.jpg2025Atmospheric CO2 column concentration over Iran: Emissions, GOSAT satellite observations, and WRF-GHG model simulations
Karbasi, Samira; Abdi, Amir Hossein; Malakooti, Hossein; Garcia Orza, Jose Antonio
FreeAccess-Q2-2020-Dhital-Atmospheric Dynamics of a Saharan Dust Outbreak Over Mindelo-6.pdf.jpg2020Atmospheric Dynamics of a Saharan Dust Outbreak Over Mindelo, Cape Verde Islands, Preceded by Rossby Wave Breaking: Multiscale Observational Analyses and Simulations
Dhital, Saroj; Kaplan, Michael L.; Garcia Orza, Jose Antonio; Fiedler, Stephanie
TFG-Henares Martínez, Lucía.pdf.jpg12-jul-2021Caracterización de la absorción de la radiación producida por aerosoles atmosféricos en un entorno de montañaHenares Martínez, Lucía
Clemente María, Álvaro.pdf.jpgjun-2018Caracterización del contenido de metales de la fracción PM PM10 y evaluación del riesgo sobre la salud en un emplazamiento urbano de ElcheClemente María, Álvaro
Cell Therapy of Vascular and Neuropathic....pdf.jpg15-dic-2023Cell Therapy of Vascular and Neuropathic Complications of Diabetes: Can We Avoid Limb Amputation?
Soria, Bernat; Escacena, Natalia; Gonzaga, Aitor; Soria-Juan, Barbara; Andreu, Etelvina; Hmadcha, Abdelkrim; Gutierrez-Vilchez, Ana Maria; Cahuana, Gladys; Tejedo, Juan R.; De la Cuesta, Antonio; Miralles, Manuel; García-Gómez, Susana; Hernandez Blasco, Luis M.
Clemente et al_ER 2022.pdf.jpg2022Changes in the concentration and composition of urban aerosols during the COVID-19 lockdown
Clemente, Álvaro; Yubero Funes, Eduardo; Nicolás, Jose F.; Caballero, Sandra; Crespo, Javier; Galindo, Nuria
Photosynthetica_phs-201904-0012.pdf.jpgjul-2019Characterization of the ecophysiological responses of three pomegranate cultivars to salinity
Cámara-Zapata, José-María; García Sánchez, Francisco; Simón Vilella, Inmaculada; Olmo Vega, Antonio; Lidón Noguera, Vicente; Alfonsea-Simón, Marina; Martínez Nicolas, Juan José; Simón Grao, Silvia
Gómez-Sánchez et al. 2024_Chemosphere.pdf.jpg2024Chemical composition of PM10 at a rural site in the western Mediterranean and its relationship with the oxidative potential
Gómez-Sánchez, Noelia; Galindo, Nuria; Alfonsea-Simón, Marina; Nicolás, José F.; Crespo, Javier; Yubero Funes, Eduardo
Preprint-NO Oficial-Q1-Morozzi-Chemiluminiscence Luminol-4.pdf.jpg2021Chemiluminescent fingerprints from airborne particulate matter: A luminol-based assay for the characterization of oxidative potential with kinetical implications
Morozzi, Pietro; Bolelli, Luca; Brattich, Erika; Ferri, Elida Nora; GIROTTI, STEFANO; Sangiorgi, Stefano; Garcia Orza, Jose Antonio; Piñero-García, Francisco; Tositti, Laura
TFM VARA GONZALEZ, AMAYA.pdf.jpgsep-2024Científicos Españoles del Siglo XVI: investigando sus obras a través de WikipediaVara-González, Amaya