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1-s2.0-S0023643818304675-main.pdf.jpgMay-2018Formulation and storage effects on pomegranate smoothie phenolic composition, antioxidant capacity and color
Cano-Lamadrid, Marina; Hernández, Francisca; Nowicka, Paulina; Carbonell-Barrachina, Ángel A.; Wojdyło, Aneta
The high tolerance of different pomegranate cultivars.pdf.jpg2-Dec-2020The high tolerance of different pomegranate cultivars to the excess of boron in irrigation water is due to their capacity to limit boron transport from the root to the leaves
Olmo Vega, Antonio; Simon Grao, Silvia; Simón Vilella, Inmaculada; Alfosea Simón, Marina; Martinez Nicolas, Juan Jose; Garcia-Sanchez, Francisco