Browsing by Keywords Solanum lycopersicum

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2021_Alaguero-Cordovilla_PS.pdf.jpgDec-2020A quick protocol for the identification and characterization of early growth mutants in tomato
Alaguero Cordovilla, Aurora; Gran Gómez, Francisco Javier; Jadczak, Paula; Mhimdi, Mariem; Ibáñez, Sergio; BRES, CECILE; Just, Daniel; ROTHAN, Christophe; Pérez Pérez, José Manuel
J Sci Food Agric - 2010 - Alonso - Comparative post‐harvest behaviour of traditional and virus‐resistant Muchamiel tomatoes.pdf.jpg10-Mar-2010Comparative post-harvest behaviour of traditional and virus-resistant Muchamiel tomatoes
Alonso Sanchis, Aránzazu; García Martínez, Santiago; VÁZQUEZ-ARAÚJO, LAURA; Ruiz Martínez, Juan José; Carbonell-Barrachina, Ángel A.
GATA 2013.pdf.jpg2012Diversity and structure of a sample of traditional Italian and Spanish tomato accessions
García Martínez, Santiago; Corrado, Giandomenico; Ruiz, Juan José; Rao, Rosa
Saez_Gilabert_Ander.pdf.jpgJun-2024Estudio de la variabilidad natural para identificar nuevos reguladores de la regeneración en tomateSáez Gilabert, Ander
TFG García Serna, Juan Antonio.pdf.jpgFeb-2023Evaluación de líneas de mejora de tomate (Solanum lycopersicum L.) variedad Muchamiel, con resistencia genética a virus y menor carga de ligamento durante el año 2021García Serna, Juan Antonio
Genome.pdf.jpgJul-2006Evaluation of amplified fragment length polymorphism and simple sequence repeats for tomato germplasm fingerprinting: utility for grouping closely related traditional cultivars
García Martínez, Santiago; Andreani, Lorella; García Gusano, Marta; GEUNA, FILIPPO; Ruíz, Juan José
UMH1209 and UMH1155_ New Moruno Pera Tomato Breeding Lines Resistant to Virus.pdf.jpg2020UMH1209 and UMH1155: New ‘Moruno Pera’ Tomato Breeding Lines Resistant to Virus
García Martínez, Santiago; Grau Sánchez, Adrián; Alonso, Aranzazu; Carbonell, Pedro; Salinas, Juan Francisco; Cabrera Miras, José Ángel; Ruíz, Juan José
hortsci-article-p959.pdf.jpgApr-2020UMH1209 and UMH1155: New ‘Moruno Pera’ Tomato Breeding Lines Resistant to Virus
Alonso Sanchis, Aránzazu; García Martínez, Santiago; Grau Sánchez, Adrián; Carbonell, Pedro; Salinas, Juan Francisco; Cabrera Miras, José Ángel; Ruíz, Juan J.
UMH1400 and UMH1401 New cherry tomato breeding lines resistant to virus.pdf.jpg17-Feb-2020UMH1400 and UMH1401: New Cherry Tomato Breeding Lines Resistant to Virus
García Martínez, Santiago; Grau Sánchez, Adrián; Alonso Sanchis, Aránzazu; Carbonell, Pedro; Salinas, Juan Franciso; Cabrera Miras, José Ángel; Ruiz Martínez, Juan José
Volatile compounds of traditional and virus-resistant breeding lilnes of Muchamiel tomatoes.pdf.jpg30-Oct-2009Volatile compounds of traditional and virus-resistant breeding lines of Muchamiel tomatoes
Alonso Sanchis, Aránzazu; VÁZQUEZ-ARAÚJO, LAURA; García Martínez, Santiago; Ruiz Martínez, Juan José; Carbonell-Barrachina, Ángel A.