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1-ETFA_GarciaLucasGozalvez_Latency-Based 5G RAN Slicing Descriptor.pdf.jpg29-ago-2019Latency-Based 5G RAN Slicing Descriptor to Support Deterministic Industry 4.0 ApplicationsGarcía Morales, Jan; Lucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Gozalvez, Javier
5-IEEEAccess2019_Latency-Sensitive 5G RAN Slicing for Industry 4.0.pdf.jpg2019Latency-Sensitive 5G RAN Slicing for Industry 4.0García Morales, Jan; Lucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Gozalvez, Javier
Latency-Sensitive 5G RAN Slicing for Deterministic Aperiodic Traffic in Smart Manufacturing.pdf.jpg2023Latency-Sensitive 5G RAN Slicing for Deterministic Aperiodic Traffic in Smart ManufacturingLucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Garcia Morales, Jan; Gozalvez, Javier
3-MCarmenLucas_Mode Selection for 5G Heterogeneous and Opportunistic Networks.pdf.jpg19-jul-2019Mode Selection for 5G Heterogeneous and Opportunistic NetworksLucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Gozalvez, Javier
10-ON the capacity Gain of Multi-Hop....pdf.jpg14-ago-2017On the Capacity Gain of Multi-Hop Cellular Networks with Opportunistic Networking and D2D: a Space-Time Graph-based EvaluationColl Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier
2-Sensors2019_LucasGozalvez_On the Capacity of 5G NR Grant-Free Scheduling....pdf.jpg10-ago-2019On the Capacity of 5G NR Grant-Free Scheduling with Shared Radio Resources to Support Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency CommunicationsLucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Gozalvez, Javier; Sepulcre, Miguel
2-Scalability5GRAN_VNC_ToyotaUMH_vFinal_web.pdf.jpg20-ene-2020On the Scalability of the 5G RAN to Support Advanced V2X Services
Lucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Coll Perales, Baldomero; Wang, Chang-Heng; Shimizu, Takayuki; Avedisov, Sergei; Higuchi, Takamasa; Cheng, Bin; Yamamuro, Akihiko; Gozalvez, Javier; Sepulcre, Miguel; Altintas, Onur
Sensing-Based_Grant-Free_Scheduling_for_Ultra_Reliable_Low_Latency_and_Deterministic_Beyond_5G_Networks.pdf.jpg24-feb-2022Sensing-Based Grant-Free Scheduling for Ultra Reliable Low Latency and Deterministic Beyond 5G NetworksLucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Gozalvez, Javier
1-AUTOWARE_CommsDataArch_CameraReady_LetterFormat_PID5193097.pdf.jpg12-mar-2018A Software Defined Hierarchical Communication and Data Management Architecture for Industry 4.0
Lucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Raptis, Theofanis P.; Sepulcre, Miguel; Passarella, Andrea; Regueiro, Cristina; Lázaro, Óscar
Sub6GHzAssistedmmWaveMACV2X_IEEECommMag_CollGozalvezGruteser_AuthorPostPrint.pdf.jpg15-feb-2019Sub-6GHz Assisted MAC for Millimeter Wave Vehicular CommunicationsColl Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier; Gruteser, Marco
Support of Teleoperated Driving with 5G Networks.pdf.jpg2023Support of Teleoperated Driving with 5G Networks
Lucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Coll-Perales, Baldomero; M. I., Khan; Avedisov, S.; Altintas, Ozcan; Gozalvez, J.; Sepulcre, Miguel