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early_access_ieeexplore_3-D-Printed_Dielectric_Slab_Rectangular_Waveguide_for_TE__10_and_TE__20_Mode_Equalization.pdf.jpg20243-D-Printed Dielectric Slab Rectangular Waveguide for TE10 and TE20 Mode Equalization
Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; García Martínez, Héctor; Viudes-Pérez, Paula; Bronchalo, Enrique; Ávila Navarro, Ernesto; Bozzi, Maurizio
2. 2022_IEEEACCESS_Q2.pdf.jpg9-may-20223D-Printed Electromagnetic Band-Gap Band-Pass Filter Based on Empty Single-Ridge Waveguide
García Martínez, Héctor; Torregrosa-Penalva, Germán; Ávila Navarro, Ernesto; Delmonte, Nicolò; Silvestri, Lorenzo; Bozzi, Maurizio
3-5G and Beyond....pdf.jpg15-feb-20195G and Beyond: Smart Devices as part of the Network FabricColl Perales, Baldomero; Gozalvez, Javier; Maestre Lorenzo, Juan Luis
5G Configured Grant Scheduling for 5G-TSN Integration for the Support of Industry 4.0.pdf.jpg20235G Configured Grant Scheduling for 5G-TSN Integration for the Support of Industry 4.0
larrañaga, Ana; Lucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Martinez, Imanol; Gozalvez, Javier
5G Configured Grant Scheduling for Seamless Integration with TSN Industrial Networks.pdf.jpg20245G Configured Grant Scheduling for Seamless Integration with TSN Industrial Networks
larrañaga, Ana; Lucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Gozalvez, Javier; Arriola, Aitor
5GNR_CG_NS3_LarrañagaLucas.pdf.jpg27-abr-20225G NR Configured Grant in ns-3 Network Simulator for Ultra-Reliable Low Latency Communications
Larrañaga, Ana; Lucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Martinez, Imanol; Gozalvez, Javier
5G_RAN_Slicing_to_Support_Reliability_in_Industrial_Applications.pdf.jpgsep-20225G RAN Slicing to Support Reliability in Industrial ApplicationsLucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Sepulcre, Miguel; Gozalvez, Javier
IEEE_Access_March_2023.pdf.jpgmar-2023A New Family of Reconfigurable Waveguide Filters and Diplexers for High-Power Applications
Melgarejo Lermas, Juan Carlos; Ossorio García, Javier; Cogollos, Santiago; San-Blas, Angel-Antonio
1-09345798.pdf.jpgfeb-2021A Tutorial on 5G NR V2X Communications
Castañeda Garcia, Mario H.; Molina Galán, Alejandro; Boban, Mate; Gozalvez, Javier; Coll Perales, Baldomero; Şahin, Taylan; Kousaridas, Apostolos
TVT2023_LucasColl_Latency Model 5G NR V2N2V (2).pdf.jpgsep-2022An Analytical Latency Model and Evaluation of the Capacity of 5G NR to Support V2X Services Using V2N2V Communications
Lucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Coll-Perales, Baldomero; Shimizu, Takayuki; Gozalvez, Javier; Higuchi, Takamasa; Avedisov, Sergei; Altintas, Onur; Sepulcre, Miguel
An open-source implementation and validation of 5G NR configured grant for URLLC in ns-3 5G LENA. A scheduling case study in industry 4.0 scenarios.pdf.jpg2023An open-source implementation and validation of 5G NR Configured Grant for URLLC in ns-3 5G LENA: a scheduling case study in Industry 4.0 scenarios
larrañaga, Ana; Lucas-Estañ, M. Carmen; Lagén, Sandra; Ali, Zoraze; Martinez, Imanol; Gozalvez, Javier
TFG-Guijarro Terol, Adrián.pdf.jpg8-sep-2021Análisis de algoritmos heurísticos y su aplicación en un sistema robótico para Pick & PlaceGuijarro Terol, Adrián
TD Sixto Manuel Marco Lozano.pdf.jpg12-dic-2014Análisis de la tramoya aérea de Festa o Misterio de ElcheMarco Lozano, Sixto Manuel
Valero Pastor, Verónica.pdf.jpg5-jul-2021Análisis de tecnologías scadas para estandaración de aplicación y piloto sobre tecnología IgnitionValero Pastor, Verónica
TFG-Sancho Olivares, Manuel.pdf.jpgjul-2023Análisis del efecto multipactor en tecnologías Groove Gap Waveguide y Ridge Gap WaveguideSancho Olivares, Manuel
3-VTC2021-Spring-Analysis of 5G RAN Config to Support Advanced V2X Services.pdf.jpg15-jun-2021Analysis of 5G RAN Configuration to Support Advanced V2X Services
Lucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Coll Perales, Baldomero; Wang, Chang-Heng; Shimizu, Takayuki; Avedisov, Sergei; Higuchi, Takamasa; Cheng, Bin; Yamamuro, Akihiko; Gozalvez, Javier; Sepulcre, Miguel; Altintas, Onur
1-ETFA_Lucas_5G_TSN_web.pdf.jpg10-oct-2020Analysis of 5G-TSN Integration to Support Industry 4.0
Larrañaga, Ana; Lucas Estañ, María del Carmen; Martinez, Imanol; Val, Iñaki; Gozalvez, Javier
1-TPS2880652_22_nov_red (002).pdf.jpg28-oct-2018Analysis of Multipactor Effect in a Partially Dielectric-Loaded Rectangular Waveguide
Berenguer Alonso, Andrés; Coves Soler, Ángela; Mesa, Francisco; Bronchalo, Enrique; Gimeno, Benito
TESIS Berenguer Alonso , Andrés.pdf.jpg28-dic-2020Analysis of multipactor effect in partially dielectric-loaded rectangular waveguidesBerenguer Alonso, Andrés
AEU_August_2021.pdf.jpgsep-2021Analysis of the dispersion characteristics in periodic Substrate Integrated WaveguidesCoves, Angela; San-Blas, Angel-Antonio; Bronchalo, Enrique