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Las tardes de los martes: antología de las observadas
Title: Las tardes de los martes: antología de las observadas |
Authors: Campos Vizcaíno, María |
Tutor: Mercé Cervelló, Silvia Rosa |
Issue Date: 2019-06-19 |
URI: |
Mi proyecto” Las tardes de los martes: antología de las observadas” pretende mediante la investigación y el videoarte dar visibilidad a la histeria del siglo XIX como enfermedad ficticia alimentada por el patriarcado y los roles de género
El meu projecte¿ les vesprades dels dimarts: antologia de les observades¿ pretén mitjançant la investigació i el videoart donar visibilitat a la histèria del segle xix com a malaltia fictícia alimentada pel patriarcat i els rols de gènere
This project is a newspaper, where you will find several stories, totally independent of each other, of experiences of different people who will later realize that they are determined in a country.
Memories accompanied by illustrations of each place and a personification of that same place, as that site would be if it were a person.
To help you at the end of each one find a brief information about the history, current affairs, or situation of each country.
It is a long-term project, which aims to look at life with a positive and learning attitude and at the same time you inquire and arouse in you the curiosity of discovering a new place
Keywords/Subjects: Historia Mujer Patriarcado |
Knowledge area: CDU: Bellas artes |
Type of document: application/pdf |
Access rights: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
Appears in Collections: TFG - Bellas Artes