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Vista previaFecha de publicaciónTítuloAutor(es)Acceso
6-2019-GlobalAttractorsWeakSolutionsOfTheThreeDimensionalNavierStokesEquationsDamping.pdf.jpg2019Global attractors for weak solutions of the three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations with damping.Giménez, Ángel; Valero, José; Pardo, Daniel
3-2021-ModelingNewAqmModelForInternetChaoticBehaviorUsingPetriNets.pdf.jpg2021Modeling a New AQM Model for Internet Chaotic Behavior Using Petri Nets
Giménez, Ángel; AMIGO, JOSE M.; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar; Valero, José; Duran, Gullem
5-2020-GeneralizedTcpRedDynamicalModelForInternetCongestionControl.pdf.jpg2019Generalized TCP-RED dynamical model for Internet congestion control
Giménez, Ángel; AMIGO, JOSE M.; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar; Valero, José; Duran, Gullem
4-2020-EntropyMonotonicitySuperstableCyclesForTheQuadraticFamilyRevisited.pdf.jpg2020Entropy Monotonicity and Superstable Cycles for the Quadratic Family RevisitedGiménez, Ángel; AMIGO, JOSE M.
7-2018-NextGenerationVentricularCathetersHydrocephalusBasedParametricDesigns.pdf.jpg2017Next generation of ventricular catheters for hydrocephalus based on parametric design
Galarza, Marcelo; Giménez, Ángel; AMIGO, JOSE M.; Schuhmann, Martin; Gazzeri, Roberto; Thomale, Ulrich-Wilhelm; McAllister, James P.
2018-BifurcationAnalysisForTheInternetCongestion.pdf.jpg2019Bifurcation analysis for the Internet congestions
Duran Ballester, Guillem; Valero, José; AMIGO, JOSE M.; Giménez, Ángel; Martinez Bonastre, Oscar