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Bacterial antigen translocation and age as BMI-independent.pdf.jpg2020Bacterial antigen translocation and age as BMI-independent contributing factors on systemic inflammation in NAFLD patients
Gómez-Hurtado, Isabel; Gallego-Durán, Rocío; Zapater, Pedro; Ampuero, Javier; Aller, Rocío; Crespo, Javier; Arias-Loste, María Teresa; García-Monzón, Carmelo; Bellot, Pablo; González-Rodríguez, Águeda; Juanola, Oriol; Romero Gómez, Manuel; Francés, Rubén
Circulating levels of butyrate are inversely related to.pdf.jpg2019Circulating levels of butyrate are inversely related to portal hypertension, endotoxemia, and systemic inflammation in patients with cirrhosis
Juanola, Oriol; Ferrusquía-Acosta, José; García-Villalba, Rocío; Magaz, Marta; Marín, Alicia; Olivas, Pol; Baiges, Anna; Bellot, Pablo; Turon , Fanny; Hernandez-Gea, Virginia; González-Navajas, José M.; Tomás-Barberán, Francisco A.; Garcia-Pagan, Juan Carlos; Francés, Rubén
Clinical and Immunological Factors Associated with Recommended Trough Levels of Adalimumab and Infliximab in Patients with Crohn's Disease.pdf.jpg3-ene-2022Clinical and Immunological Factors Associated with Recommended Trough Levels of Adalimumab and Infliximab in Patients with Crohn's Disease
Orts, Beatriz; Gutierrez, Ana; Madero, Lucía; Sempere, Laura; Francés, Rubén; Zapater, Pedro
2-Chico et al_2018_IntechOpen_Nucleated Red Blood Cells Contribute to the Host Immune Response Against Pathogens_637.pdf.jpg27-jul-2018Nucleated Red Blood Cells Contribute to the Host Immune Response Against Pathogens
CHICO GRAS, VERONICA; Nombela Díaz, Iván; Puente Marín, Sara; Ortega-Villaizan Romo, María del Mar